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A/N:  This part of the story isn't in the original story.  I think it was a little part that I took out, but it's the only one I can find that I want to show to you.  (It's not the prologue or anything, but it's just a small thing to show you what my writing was like two years ago.)

This one took a little longer to find, sorry about that! :D

A week went past, and soon, it was my wedding day.  The man had bought me a white, modest dress, and I was staring at myself in the mirror.  What was I thinking?  I didn’t want to marry this abusive guy; I just wanted to know his name.  Was that enough reason to put myself in danger?

“I’ve been in danger for the past month,” I whispered to myself, trying to calm myself, “It doesn’t matter now.  I’ll just have to go through with this marriage and hope it goes for the best.”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” I said.

The man came through in a suit.  I smiled.  For the last week I had pretended to be in love with him.  We shared a lot of false sunsets and sunrises, and non-wanted kisses.  I smiled bigger, just so I was a little convincing that I wanted to marry him.

“Today is the big day, that we are finally going to be together officially,” he announced, taking my shoulders and kissing both of my cheeks before on the lips.  I let him kiss me and hold my hand and hug me, but that was as far as it would go.  We still had fights and he’d hit me on my left cheek, but they weren’t as frequent as when I first came a month ago.

I smiled.  As he turned to leave I frowned at his head.  When he turned again, I smiled again.

“Are you ready, they are waiting,” he said, taking my hand, “We’re doing the wedding my way.”

“What is your way,” I asked.

“You will see,” he replied, taking me out of the bedroom and down the hallway and onto the balcony where I could see a lot of brown haired guys and girls.  They all looked up when the man announced my coming in.  I stepped out and everyone awed at my elegance and walk.  The cast had been removed; I guess I gave the man that much trust.  My long legs were free to walk normally instead of hobble, and run freely instead of trying to carry the weight of the dark blue cast.

“This is my beautiful, soon-to-be wife,” the man started, “Jennifer.”

I looked down and a lot of green eyes stared up at me.  I smiled at all of them, but I felt uneasy about something.

The man led me down the stairs, and to a small room where a preacher was standing.  He did the ceremony and the man said, “I do.”

“I do,” I said when it was my turn.

“You may now,” the preacher said, “Kiss the bride.”

The man turned to me and kissed me.  It was a kiss that I had never felt before.  A kiss that he was waiting to give me, right at this moment.

“Run, and never come back,” he whispered in my ear, “You’ve just won your way into my game, Jennifer.”

I couldn’t contain my shock, even though I had had a long time to practice keeping my emotions in, this time I couldn’t keep the shock from appearing on my face.

“I will count to ten, Jennifer,” he said, “And then I will be coming after you.”

“This was all just a game to you,” I blurted out.

“I was going to wait a year, but then, when you said you wanted to marry, I said, ‘What the heck,’ and agreed.  You said you couldn’t wait, so I agreed with you.  Now you must run.  When I find you, where ever I find you, I will either kill you, or, if you are still to my liking, I will give you a honeymoon.  Ten…”

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