Collection of Childhood Stories :)

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Okay, before you judge my writing or anything, please understand that I haven't edited this story at all.  This is original work from at least six years ago.  Also, this is the title I chose when I was that age, so don't mock the title!!!! Thank you :D


P.S. I really don't know what category to put it in, so if you could help with that, it would awesomeness!  Thanks!  And I'm not uploading the whole thing because it's 27 Word documents and I don't want to take that long.  If you like the PROLOGUE then I would suggest you talk to me about it. :)

 The Burning of Fire:


I stomped my foot impatiently, “I want my book back,” he leaned in close.

“You really want it?” Theo could be really bad if he wanted to.

“Yah, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want it!” I tried to reach for it, but he leaned away from me and held it up, “Theo, give me my book,” I screamed, reaching for it again, but he was taller so he had the advantage of putting it higher than I could reach, I went onto my tip toes and reached higher; he smirked at me from under his thick, bushy eyebrows.

“If you want it, kiss me,” I winced, “Come on, I know you want to, Sadie, I know…” right then I got an idea.

“Okay, I’ll kiss you,” he looked surprised, and he stopped talking, “After you give me my book!”

“Sadie, Sadie, Sadie, you don’t think I could be so easily fooled, do you?” I glared at him.

“I’ll kiss you, I promise,” I hoped it would work, “Please give my book back, now,” I emphasized the word ‘now’.

He looked at me curiously, and then he put down my book into my waiting hands. He looked at me again, and leaned down, “You’re not kidding, are you?”

“I said, I’ll kiss you, and that’s what I meant,” I looked him straight in the eye and leaned forward, ready to die, “I don’t bite, don’t worry, just do it, now.”

He leaned in, unsure, “Are you ready?”

I was ready. Theo was eighteen, and I was only sixteen, but I had a feeling that he liked me, “Just do it,” Theo leaned in more, and more until our lips touched briefly, and then he was gone. He walked away, down the hall and into the night.

I looked after him, uncertain, I felt something nagging at me, and tugging, it was trying to tell me something, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

Then I knew what was nagging and tugging, I liked Theo, in my heart, I really liked Theo, although he always teased, and picked on me.

Although I despised Theo with all my heart, I really liked him. And I didn’t want to.

A/N:  See?  It's pretty badly written.  If you want more, I'm not giving it to you.  (This story, like the many others that I'll let you read, isn't finished.) :)  Enjoy the others I post here! :D

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