Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


(Sia Breath Me playing in the backround)

Percy saw Annabeth kneeling, doubled over on the ground in the Athena cabin. He heard Athena's voice, I have given you The Mark of Athena. It is only given to the wisest of my children. If you use it wisely, it will give you great power. If you do not, it will cause you great destruction. Killing the one you love most. The one that is prophicied to be your husband. If you start war, it will break his oath, and Octovation will keep his word in position. He will go down in battle. And if he does parish, it will be by your hand. I place this responsibility in your hands. I am sure you will make the right choice. Do not fail me.

The glowing mark Percy had saw on her arm in the woods, started to burn into the exact same spot. He ran over to help her, but his arm only glided through.

She looked at her arm and started to sit up strait. She brushed her hair out of her eyes. He looked into them. They were georgeous. 

The image started to fade. But he didn't stop staring into them until they dissapeared.

Percy was standing in the middle of a open field. He saw Annabeth. Then the image shifted. First they were kissing each other in a church. They looked older. Maybe by 3 years. Percy had a black suit on, were Annabeth had a wedding dress on. He heard the pastor say in the backround, "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife."

The image shifted again. He was at Camp Jupiter. There was war. Everything was burning down. Annabeth and Percy were standing back to back, about one foot apart. Niether knew that they were close together. Annabeth jolted and twirled around, with her dagger in her hand at the sound of a high screech. 

The dagger glidded the skin of his gut just deep enough to make him double over. He coughed up blood. Annabeth clamped a hand over her mouth. She started crying as she knelt by Percy and craddeled him in her arms.

"Percy, I-I'm sorry. Oh no, what did I do!"

He looked at her. "Don't feel bad. It was destined to be this way. Promise me one thing. You'll defeat Gaea for me. Bring together the camps. Try your hardest.  Tell-tell them that I was thier friend and preator. That-that I wish to become thier peace offering. To show what war can-can do."

Annabeth choked. "Percy, you can't leave. Not now, not here. Hold on!"

Percy used all of his will power to give her one last kiss on her cheek. He whispered in her ear, "I love you." After, he finally let go.

The Mark of Athena (BritneyStellar's Version)Where stories live. Discover now