Chapter 11111111 (8)

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Chapter 8


Percy and the rest of his friends sat down at the Fifth Cohart table. They exchanged stories in no time. After they were done, Hazel asked if we could search for Nico when we leave for the quest. "Sure, after we find him, you can talk to him. Right after I strangle him." 

He saw Piper look down at her plate. She seemed to mouth the name Nico, over and over again. Jenna saw what she was doing, and suddenly everybody froze. "I can hold them, but not for long. 20 minuets should give us enough time to talk about Bianca. Come on lets go outside, shall we" 

We walked outside at Jenna took a piece of gum out of her pocket and offered him some. He rejected.

"So, Bianca was reborn." He said. Percy filled my cheeks with air then let out a whistle. "Yes, and I was trusted with this information because I'm the daughter of Hera. Anyone else new about it, lets just say the gods wouldn't be in a mood to not blast them to bits." She turned towards him "I hear you got a loud mouth, Percy. And I can't let this problem be a distraction." She made something appear in her hand. It was gold confetti. More like golden sand. She held her hand close to his face. Percy stumbled back, "What are you doing?" He trembled. "Oh this, It's just gonna delay our........ Problem."

And with that she blew it in his face. He fell. His head ached. It felt like part of his memory was being ripped out. The last words he heard was Jenna saying, "Formay de kie!"

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