Not So Lonely After All- Part 1 (Sterek)

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Stiles was done with everything. Absolutely everything. When he was 16 he kind of understood, there was the high school hierarchy you know, and popularity mattered, so it was no wonder he couldn't get a girlfriend or boyfriend for that matter. He was after all the dorky, nerdy, lanky, hyperactive spaz of a teen that nobody really liked except the pack. But come on.

He was twenty fucking one as of yesterday and he was still single. It was ridiculous! All of his pack members had a mate; EVEN THE HUMANS! Scott and Isaac were adorably sickening in that 'awh why are you so cute but you make me wanna throw up on you' kind of way. Jackson and Ethan were sassy and proper and honestly Stiles could not be in the same room as those two heartless monsters. That totally doesn't have anything to do with Jackson and Ethan stealing his curly fries one time. Really it doesn't.

Okay maybe it does.

If those two beautiful couples weren't enough to make him want to cry in his loneliness whilst drowning his sorrows in Netflix and pizza, there was always Malia and Kira, like the most innocent couple of the century, it was insane, he doesn't even think they've had sex in the five years they've been together, okay maybe they have but that's beside the point! Liam and Theo were like the most loving couple he had ever met, they were always so protective and cuddly. Then lastly in their massive pack (like seriously, when the hell did all these wolfy creatures join) he mused to himself, there was Allison and Lydia. Power-couple of the millennium. Genius and all round bad-ass come together to kick ass and look fabulous whilst doing so. It really wasn't fair.

I mean Stiles wasn't alone in his loneliness, there was always their big brooding alpha. Derek 'I'm going to make you melt with my glare and hotness simultaneously' Hale. But lately it seemed sourwolf wasn't so sour. Stiles could literally do anything to him and he wouldn't even react. That brought Stiles to one conclusion only. Derek Hale had found someone and that may or may not have crushed Stiles's entire soul because he may or may not have a tiny crush on said Derek Hale.

Okay so not tiny.

Sighing Stiles pulled himself out of his depressingly lonely thoughts, he was on his way to a pack meeting, or more like pack cuddle session but shh no one needed to know that. Arriving at the Loft that most of the pack members lived in (Okay so maybe all but Stiles because he doesn't feel like he is worthy enough to stay here) he raced inside. Derek had texted him saying it was urgent and he needed to rush his fine ass over here. Okay maybe he didn't say 'fine ass' but a man can dream!

Opening the loft door he raised his voice knowing the wolf could hear him "DEREK HALE YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR DRAGGING ME HERE, I WAS DOING SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT" Emerging from the lounge room Derek smirked "Netflix and pizza is important?" Jumping and placing a hand over his heart he let out a very manly squeal, very manly "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO SNEEK UP ON ME?!" Gasping for breath he glared at the chuckling werewolf "You're going to give me a heart attack" He did a very convincing growl.

Straightening himself up and ran a hand through his soft brown hair "Now what do you want?" He asked the wolf, letting his mind wander to where Scotty was and why he hadn't tackled him yet. Derek raised his eyebrow but put his hand on Stiles's lower back and moved him into the newly assembled lounge room. Gesturing for him to sit Derek sat beside him and rested his arm on the couches back like he wanted to reach out and grab Stiles, but as if he would want him. Sighing Derek faced Stiles and questioned him in a very serious voice "Why don't you live in the pack house?" Letting his gaze drop Stiles forced a smile and answered Derek "I didn't think it was a big deal Der-Ber" He laughed out. Derek growled softly and lifted Stiles head. Looking into his whiskey eyes Derek sighed and leaned closer "Tell me the truth" He whispered, his voice rough with something Stiles couldn't place. Letting his eyes drift down again he whispered the truth "I didn't think you wanted me here, I thought I wasn't pack"

Derek pulled the younger boy into his chest and held him close "Leave your keys here, we are going to your house and you're moving in Stiles" He growled into the boy's ear. Stiles head jerked up, he could visit his dad all the time but he did have one argument left "I don't want your pity, why should I move in when it's only because you feel bad for me?" He glared tears pooling in his eyes. Was he really that pathetic? Did he really look that weak? The older alpha looked down at him and held his face between his hands "Stiles" he shushed the hyperactive man "I'm not doing this out of pity" Stiles scoffed and rolled his eyes "I'm not" Derek insisted "You are a vital member of this pack, we would be no where without you, while the rest of us just run in prepared to fight, you hold us together, you make the plans, you keep us safe and you take care of us" He rubbed Stiles cheekbone with his thumb and kissed the boys forehead "Stiles we need you, I need you" With wide eyes stiles looked at him, full of vulnerability "D-Derek ar- d- I mean really?" With a small smirk Derek answered him full of sincerity "I mean it, I- I've always loved you, from the second you sassed me in that police car unlike anybody else, I loved you and I want you to be mine, I want you to be my mate" He confessed.

Stiles grin was unlike anything else, it was bright and blinding and full of happiness as he leaned in and smashed his lips to the other man's. The kiss was full of passion and love. Only pulling apart when they were desperate for air Derek, panting and with a cheeky smirk across his face pulled Stiles up and smacked his ass "So about moving in?" He laughed as Stiles stuck his tongue out and grabbed his hand pulling him to the Camaro "WE'RE OFF TO NEVERLAND"

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