Chapter 13

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Today we reach back in Compton we was all taking our stuff off the tour bus my mom was waiting for me and Alexis I told her I'll be there in a min but Alexis went over there and I started talking to cube

Dre: so what u gonna do cube

Cube: man I'm done I rather be broke then fucked I told u not to sign that Shit Dre

Dre: nigga I got bills to pay plus I gotta put money in my moms packet since Tyree passed

Cube: I feel u man but I can't do this no more

We dapped each other and I left me and Alexis went to my moms house for a little while then we went to the studio cuz Jerry called a meeting

Jerry: um hey guys I called this meeting cuz we need to talk

Alexis: where's cube shouldn't he be here

Jerry: this is what this meeting is about

Eazy: what is it jerry

Jerry: cube is out he left the group

Eazy: what the fuck u mean he left ain't that nigga under contract

Jerry: he never singed it so he's free to go

Ren: man this some bullshit we suppose to be brothers he left

Alexis: I can't believe it I'm gonna miss him

I couldn't hear this shit no more I told Alexis to come on and I went to her house man shit just be happening I grabbed a bottle of hennessy and started drinking it then Alexis came out and sat next to me

Alexis: man I can't believe cube left

Dre: it's whatever

Alexis: what u guys gonna do Now

Dre: what u mean we gonna be NWA fuck cube we don't need that nigga

Alexis: u don't mean that

Dre: yes the fuck I do now if u will get outta my fucking face talking about cube

Alexis: man whatever fuck u Dre

She started to get up and walk away and I grabbed her

Dre: what u say

Alexis: Dre let me go now ur drunk

Dre: so bitch I do what the fuck I wanna do

Alexis: Dre ur drunk so I'm gonna ignore that now let me go now

I let her go and she went in the other room


I went in my room and started crying I've never seen dre like this so it's all new to me I know he's just drunk but it kinda scared me I was getting ready to lay down till Dre came in the room

Dre: baby I'm sorry I didn't mean that shit

Dre was just so drunk right now so I don't even know if he means it

Dre: do u forgive me I'm sorry it won't happen again

Alexis: yes Dre I forgive u

Dre: u sure

Alexis: yeah baby it's fine but u need to lay down and get some sleep I'm gonna get u some water ok

I went and got Dre some water

Alexis: here baby drink some water and lay down ok

Dre: u gonna lay with me

Alexis: yes I am

Dre drank the water and layed down I went and layed next to him

Dre: I love u Alexis

Alexis: I love u to Andre

And with that he fell asleep and so did i

surviving with NWA ( Dr Dre) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now