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I'm now in the studio playing around with some beats and waiting for suge I finally went through with letting him check out my contract and just pray that shit good. I then picked up the phone called Alexis we have been doing good for awhile and I'm talking bout more than a couple of weeks more like a couple of months. Alexis answered on the 4th ring

Alexis: yeah who this

Dre: damn baby we do got caller ID

Alexis: my bad baby I didn't even pay attention I just answered it

Dre: what u doing

Alexis: nothing I just got out the shower a little while ago

Dre: what u wearing

Alexis: Dre really

Dre: just tell me what u wearing

Alexis: I'm really a black thong and black see through bra to match

Dre: damn really

Alexis: no I'm wearing one of your shirts

Dre: u got panties and a bra under that

Alexis: nope

Dre: u gonna stay up for me

Alexis: Dre it's already 10 what time u plan on coming

Dre: after I talk to suge he should be here any minute

Alexis: I'll try but I'm tired

Dre: from what

Alexis: your bad ass son

Dre: romelle ain't bad

Alexis: every since he started walking he's been getting into everything and today I told him no he gonna shake his head no at me then walk away I felt very disrespected

Dre: that's my lil man

Alexis: well u and your lil man can get out

Dre: we ain't going nowhere

Alexis: Dre I wanna go on vacation

Dre: where u wanna go

Alexis: I don't know but I'm tired of California I've been to just about every part of Cali I wanna go somewhere different

Dre: u know we planning a tour so u and romelle can come with us until we figure out where we going on vacation

Alexis: I guess but we can talk about it later

There was knock on the studio door and I told whoever it was to come in and it was suge

Dre: hey baby suge here I gotta go I love u

Alexis: ok I love u too and done take forever to get here

Dre: I won't

I hung up and dapped up suge

Suge: u stay in the studio working

Dre: I love what I do

surviving with NWA ( Dr Dre) (editing)Where stories live. Discover now