Chapter Three- Truths

Start from the beginning

Ugh. The fucking questions. I bit my lip. "Yeah, I guess it is. But it's my turn now, and you better cheer up mister." I smiled and poked his side. He squirmed and grinned a bit, but it quickly faded.

"Yeah. Okay, first question."

"Earliest childhood memory?" I rattled off, trying to act as serious as possible.

"Um, probably when I got my first guitar. I think I was four, and I got it from my grandpa right before he passed away." When he answered, he got a distant look in his eyes like he was trying to remember. It was almost cute.

I scribbled "first guitar, four, grandpa" on my paper and looked up at him smiling. He smiled back, creating a flurry of butterflies in my stomach. "Um, what do your parents do?"

He stared at the ground, probably in thought. "Well, my mum is a veterinarian. I don't know what my dad did, but when I was two he ate a bullet." His voice sounded like he didn't care, but the subtle look of pain on his face said otherwise.

"Oh." I didn't want to feel bad for him, in fact I was hoping for a feel of accomplishment that he'd felt pain like I had. But instead my mouth grew dry and there was a hole where my stomach used to be.

"Yeah. Next question?" He rubbed at his cheeks and his face went to neutral.

I quickly scribbled it down on paper and looked back up. "Why do you really terrorize me?"

His face grew pale and he looked me in the eyes. "What? Didn't we discuss this yesterday in class?" He clenched his fists.

"No. You gave me a fake ass excuse then left right away. You got a personal question yesterday, it's my turn." I crossed my arms and huffed dramatically. "It's only fair."

He nodded, his face growing redder every second. "Honestly? I guess I do it because-" At the moment, the bell let out a terrible shriek letting us know the day is over. Before he could even take another breath Luke was out of the door.


Luke POV

What was I thinking? I can't believe I almost spilled my guts to Ashton in the middle of English class. Ever since this damn project started...

I ran head first in Michael Clifford. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me in a big hug. "Fuck Michael, get off!" I could barely speak between being squeezed to death and laughing too hard. He stepped back and crossed his arms.

"You're coming to my party, right?" He said, leaning against the wall. I nodded in response. "Good. It wouldn't be a party with youuu!" And with that, he slapped my shoulder hard and walked away. I couldn't help but stare at his hair. It seemed like it was a different color every week, and this week was cotton-candy pink.

I got home around six, just enough time to grab a quick bite and head out the door. I didn't have to worry about curfews most of the time, my mom was barely ever home weekends. I guess you don't get a break from saving lives.

When I got to Mikey's house, there was already loud music pounding through the walls. It looked like quite a few people showed up before me. When I got inside, Michael and Calum had no issue finding me right away. Those two were inseparable, always have been. One handed me a beer and the other a folded piece of paper.

"Luke! It's about time you got here! Erm, Teagan told me to give you this. Whatever it is, she's mad." Calum screamed into my ear. I nodded and shoved it into my pocket. With everything on my mind right now, the last thing I needed was girlfriend drama.


Ashton P.O.V

If there's one thing I learned from my father in my lifetime, it's how to get wasted.

It wasn't even 11:30 by the time I was bat-shit drunk, dancing like a lunatic in the middle of the living room. I was attempting to grind on any stranger who would let me by the time Jess found me, two empty plastic cups in her hands.

"Ashy! You're here! Can you do me a favor and refill these?" She yelled, pushing the cups into my face.

"What? Sure!" I giggled and took them from her, fighting my way into the kitchen. It was bursting at the seams with people, who were finally filing their way outside. I weaseled my way to the keg in the corner.

"Ashton! Ashton! Hey!" I heard a familiar voice call, but I couldn't quite out my finger on it. When I turned around to walk back to Jess, there was a drunk Luke barely inches away.

"Luke! You scared this shit out of me." I jumped back and laughed. Without a word, he took the cups out of my hands, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into the empty hallway.

"I just, I erm, I just wanted to talk about what you asked me earlier. About why I'm such an ass." His words were slurred together and he looked ready to pass out.

"Luke, this isn't a good time. You're drunk, we're both drunk-"

"It's because I like you. I like you and your dimples and your everything. And that scares me. I don't want to like you, but I do. Okay?" He mumbled, boring his eyes into mine. I took a minute to register what he was saying.

"What? You like me? This is bullshit." I tried to walk away, but he pushed me into the wall. His hand was pushing my face toward his. "You can't mean that. Look at the state you're-"

His lips were pressed against mine. Luke Hemmings kissed me, and I kissed him back.

So there we were, his fingers tangled in my hair, our faces smashed together. Before I knew it, my long legs were wrapped around his waist and he was carrying me into the closest bedroom.

"These damn clothes are in my way." He mumbled, already pulling off my shirt. We fell into the bed and I slid my hands under his tank top, pulling it off as well. He moved his lips to my jaw, and eventually to my neck. It was in this moment I forgot about my hatred toward him, the scars itching to be opened, everything that happened recently. All I needed was his body.

He moved his mouth down my smaller body, earning little moans from me. He rubbed at the growing hardness in my jeans with his palm. Soon his lips were hovering over the button of my pants, creating a hot nervousness in the pit of my stomach. This was as far as I'd ever gone with anyone before. Of course, no words had to be spoken, because somehow in the burning, drunk, gay buzz of it all Luke gained the power to read minds.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll guide you." He whispered, looking up to meet my gaze. How the hell did Luke learn about gay frickle frackle? I smirked anyway and nodded him along. He slowly removed my purple belt and slipped off my white skinny jeans, leaving me exposed to him. I couldn't help but blush. He moved back up to kiss me roughly on the lips, rocking us gently back and forth. Just as soon as he was about to slip his hand into my boxers, and I felt my hand wrap around his wrist.

"Stop, Luke. I can't.. I can't go any further." I felt like a loser for saying it. Expecting him to climb off of me and laugh, Luke simply nodded and slid off, burying his head into my chest.

"It's okay." Was all he whispered in response, and those two words melted my insides. Too drunk and in pain to care, we slipped into an uneasy sleep together in an uneasy sleep.

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