Truth or Dare (Part 2)

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A/N: After the Giant War is over and everything is back to normal---well, as normal as it gets for a demigod---the Seven, plus Nico and Hedge, are heading back to New York. Hehe sorry THOT is taking so long, I'm just having a hard time finishing it up. Hopefully it'll be done and edited soon!


Percy's POV

I woke up and heard giggling coming from the direction of the dining room. I looked at the clock on my nightstand.

"It's 2:00 in the morning! What could they possibly be doing at this hour!?" I asked myself. I dragged my butt out of bed and pulled on some clothes. Walking towards the dining room, I heard Coach Hedge snoring the night away. I crept to the dining room and peered around the corner into the doorway. Leo, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and even Annabeth, were sitting in a circle on the floor, laughing their heads off.

"What's going on in here?" I asked, crossing my arms and glaring at them. Everyone went silent and stared at me.

"Darn it, Seaweed Brain! You ruined my dare!" Annabeth complained.

"What?" I asked.

"Annabeth dared Leo to go wake you up, guess he can't now," Jason explained.

"Oh, no way! You guys are seriously playing truth or dare at 2:00 A.M?" I asked, completely convinced they were all crazy.

"Yup! Care to join us?" Leo asked with his trademark smile.


"Aww, please, Percy?" Annabeth turned her big, gray eyes on me. "Don't you remember what happened last time we played truth or dare?" she asked with a small smile. Nico rolled his eyes at the memory. I started blushing, that was a pretty good night...whoa, getting off track there.

"Fine, I'll play," I huffed and plopped down on the floor. We were all so dead. Coach Hedge was gonna catch us or something. I really didn't need to have a bell tied around my neck for the rest of the trip. Why did I agree to that?

"Yay!" Hazel clapped her hands. "Well, it's your turn, Leo."

"Alright. So, Percy, truth or dare?" Leo asked me.

"Hmm, I guess I'm going with a dare," I said.

"Okay. Hmm..." Leo had the most evil expression on his face that made shivers run up and down my spine. I was dead.

"I dare you to jump off the ship into the ocean 1000 feet below us," Leo said.

"What the Hades is wrong with you!?" I asked. Not that it would kill me, I'm the son of Poseidon. I could fall from space and land in the water perfectly safe.

"Percy, you're not seriously gonna do it, are you?" Frank asked.

I bit my lip. It wasn't like I'd die, but I would be tumbling---with no control or power whatsoever---in Zeus's realm for a bit. I didn't think he'd take that too well, even if we did fight side by side to beat the giants.

"I-I have to," I said, determined.

"Just come back alive, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said and hugged me.

I hugged her back tightly, "Don't worry, I always do." I knew it seemed kind of weird for Annabeth to be acting so clingy, but after we went through you-know-where, we were kinda inseparable.

We traveled up to the deck and the others watched as I jumped off the side. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and dove over the edge of the ship. I heard the wind scream in my ears, my eyes were tearing up, and I felt like my skin was being peeled right off my skull.

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