Truth or Dare (Part 1)

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A/N: Hey guys, TheAlternativeRuler here! I know it's been a while since I've done anything Percy Jackson related, but the next THOT chapter is on its way! This is something I wrote a LONG time ago that I figured I'd let you have. Hope you like it! Btw, this is placed before Percy and Annabeth started dating between TBOTL and TLO


Percy's POV

"C'mon, Percy! Don't be such a party-pooper!" Conner wailed.

"There's a war coming and all you want to do is play a stupid game?" I asked in annoyance.

"Yeah, pretty much," Travis said with a mischievous smile.

"Suppose I say yes, who's playing?"

"Oh, well. You, us, Nico, Thalia, Grover, Selena, Beckendorf, Clarisse, and Annabeth," Conner said with a smirk.

At Annabeth's name, my heart fluttered. "Fine," I gave in. "I'll play. So where're we doing this?"

Travis and Conner gave me matching smiles. "Well, at someone's cabin so we don't get caught flunking from the activities."

"No way am I going to the Hermes or Aphrodite cabins! How about mine?" I asked.

"Sure, we'll go get everybody and meet you there," Conner said.

"Cool, see you then." I walked off to my cabin thinking, what in Hades did I get myself into?


"Alright, so who's gonna start this thing?" Thalia asked when we all sat in a circle on my cabin's floor.

"How about Percy goes, since it's his cabin?" Nico suggested.

"Fine," I said. Let's get this over with.

"Nico, truth or dare?"

"Dare! Give me your best, Jackson!" Nico said fearlessly.

"Okay. Hmm..." Darn it! What's a good dare to make a child of Hades do? Think, Jackson!

"Don't strain yourself, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth teased. I blushed and glared at the others angrily when they laughed.

"Nico! I dare you to go into the Aphrodite cabin and ask the girls if they think you're hot. If they say yes, you have to ask them out, if they say no, you have to try and kiss them all and act upset," I said evilly. Nico stared at me with horror.

"You are so dead," Nico told me, then sighed, and walked towards the Aphrodite cabin.

"This is gonna be good!" Travis said in anticipation. We peeked through the open window to watch Nico be tortured.

"Hey ladies! What's up?" Nico said.

"Nico, what're you doing here?" a girl named Sissy asked.

"I have an important question to ask you girls," Nico announced.

"Oh, and what would that be?" another girl named Lavinia asked.

"Do you beautiful ladies think I'm hot?" Nico asked innocently, striking a pose.

"Oh my gods! Yes!" they all screamed.

"Then, do you all want to go see that new chick-flic with me this Saturday?" he asked, grinning.

"You mean the one about the vampire and the werewolf that fight over the human girl? Oh my gods! We're, like, so totally there! See you Saturday, Nico!" Sissy said dreamily.

"Bye ladies! This hot-bod's got places to go!" Nico said and left with a flirty wave.

We were all busting out in laughter when Nico came to meet us.

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