"Why? It's my fault you're gone." Nathan mumbled through his hands.

     "No Nathan it's not. It was my time."

      "But why?"

     Gracie leaned forward pulling Nathan's hands from his face and gently lifted his head. She looked into his bloodshot eyes. "Listen to me. You cannot keep blaming yourself for this you must let me go-

     "But I can't. How could I ever let you go? You're my everything."

     "Oh Nathan, you were my everything to, but you have to let me go."

      "No, I can't."

      "Why can't you?"

       "Don't you understand? If I let you go that'll mean that I'll never see you again.... If I let you go it'll mean you're really not coming back....you'll have gone and left me all alone." Nathan whispered his voice cracking.

       Gracie sighed, "Nathan, you are my cousin, my best friend, my other half. Remember what Mom and Aunt Jen used to call us?"

     Nathan smiled a watery smile, "Yeah, we were the Trouble Twins."

     "That's right. We were and we always will be the Trouble Twins." Gracie then got to her feet pulling Nathan up with her. "I will always be with you in here." She said placing her hand above his heart.

      "But it's not the same." Nathan whispered tears still shining in his eyes, placing his hand above hers holding it to his chest.

      "I know it's not, but you still have me, and just as one door closes another one opens."

      "What do you mean?"

       "I can't say yet Nate, I don't even know, but I do know there's still a purpose for you."

      "Yeah, right what purpose could I possibly have?" Nathan huffed rolling his eyes.

      "I'm not joking Nathan. Everyone has a purpose in life, and the same goes for you." Gracie snapped pulling her hand free from his grasp.

       "Calm down, Gracie. I just meant how could I average Nathan Sea ever have a purpose that could make any kind of difference. I'm not like you, Gracie. I never wanted to change the world; the wrong one left too soon."

      "Stop selling yourself short. God has big plans for you; you just have to have the faith to see it."

       "Faith? That's your answer to everything, and look what happened, you died at sixteen how can you still believe that?" Nathan spat angrily.

       "Because I can see the truth. I unlike you am not blinded by grief and anger-

       "I am not blinded by-

        But Gracie had had enough interruptions. She reached out and placed a hand over Nathan's mouth. "That's enough. You need to quite cutting me off. I'm running out of time and there is still more that I need to tell you."

      Nathan shook off her hand. "What do you mean that you are running out of time?"

     "Just listen please."

    "Fine." Nathan snapped.

     "Thank you, Mr. Attitude-


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