Part One

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"Y/n, Princess please cal-"


"Y/n you know that's not why-"

"THIS IS SO STUPID. DAD. WHAT EVEN WAS THE THOUGHT PROCESS HERE?!?" You screamed, you had been screaming, primarily in English, for about an hour, trying to process what your father was trying to do, and what exactly it was accomplishing. It was upsetting on so many levels, not only because you were being forced to leave your favorable climate, cold as all hell where boiling water turns to snow when thrown outside(Fact: this happens in like the middle of Russia) and leaving your best friends Aaron and Adrian, but you were already freaked out because you had almost been run over by some idiot boy on a bike. You were just beyond reasoning with at this point.

Amina walked into the room and saw you livid, your face red from anger, and panting from shouting so loud. She sighed, walked over to you and gently pulled you to your room, which was in the basement because of some things that had happened a while back. "You know, you should really just relax for a bit. Wait to tell the twins you're leaving. You look like you could use some sleep." You just nodded to her words, and dropped face first onto your bed, making a gurgling noise to show your displeasure and your frustration.

This was going to be a long day...


Next day you were hanging out with the twins in your guys 'Bro Cave' in their basement. It was really just a bunch of bean bags, a projector, and a flat screen TV with a WiiU. You were all playing a back and forth non-turn based battle game.(essentially it's that multi-game character battle thing. Can't remember it's name) You played this game with them so much, you were surprised it still worked.

"Guys, stupid weird question." You stated, still totally focused on beating Adrian, who was the only survivor between the twins. "Yeah?" Aaron said, replying for both because his brother was struggling to beat you, again. "What do I remind you of? Pokemon or otherwise." You said again, and cheapshot Adrian when he paused to think for a second, resulting in your 8th win today. Adrian dropped his controller to think about it, while Aaron answered.

"You remind me of a Clampearl. You're pretty and seem weak," that part earned him a glare, "But you're really reclusive and strong." He finished, not noticing the glare. You smiled a little before turning to the idiot that was pouting while thinking. "And you?" You asked curiously, there was a point to this entire conversation, and the outcome of it really depended on his answer.

"An Absol, you know when danger is coming, and your very proud, but you're also strong. Why, what brought the question on?" Adrian answered, seeming less than interested, but that could change at any second. You sighed, "I get weird questions like that stuck in my head sometimes. Anyway, I gotta head home soon. I'll talk to you like, tomorrow okay?" You replied, getting up. They waved you off, getting into a new battle on the game station.

You headed home, to pack for a small adventure before you had to leave your home region.


You had just gotten in the house, raced to your room(the basement) and gotten some things from your room. Aka: money, a couple Pokéballs, a fishing rod, and a pair of clothes. You walked back out of your room and asked to borrow Arcanine. Your Dad was reluctant, but let you. You then left the house, deciding to just take the fast route to Cyllage City, which was through Routes 21 and 22, through Santalune, to Lumiose, through Camphrier and Connecting Cave. After Cyllage you'd head to Route 8, then head all the way back the next day after staying in Cyllage City for the night. The entire purpose of this adventure? A Clampearl and Absol.(Shh I know Clampearl are only found on route 12 but shhh) For Aaron and Adrian. You had explained this entire plan to Arcanine, who was fine with everything if his practically sparking eyes were anything to go by. You were fairly sure this would worry your dad and Amina, but it was important to you.

Alola, Y/n! (Pokémon Sun And Moon Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now