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Flowerstar's dream was pleasant. She was in a peaceful field full of flowers, the moon was high in the sky and showing off a beautiful night. She felt calm and serene, something she hadn't felt in a long time. She closed her eyes, breathing in the scenery. She knew it was just a dream, but she wanted to enjoy it while she was here. Two other scents slowly crept in on her, she opened her eyes and found herself facing Poppyfur and Honeywing. She let out a purr, glad to see her two friends.

"Hello." She dipped her head kindly to the two medicine cats. Honeywing's gaze was soft, and Poppyfur's nervous but both were laced with sadness. Unease quickly took over Flowerstar's feelings of calm, she looked around before turning back to the StarClan cats. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Flowerstar." Honeywing mewed, her voice soothing Flowerstar. However, Poppyfur shot her a threatening glare and sighed. "We just decided to visit you." She looked around. "It's a lovely night." Flowerstar didn't respond, she just looked at Poppyfur who still looked troubled. What's wrong with her? Flowerstar hadn't seen Poppyfur since she died, wasn't she happy to see her.

"Something feels off." Flowerstar mewed, smelling a strange scent in the distance. "What's going on?"

"Just relax, Flowerstar." Poppyfur finally spoke. "And look at the sky." The sky? Flowerstar looked up, the night was starting to fade and dawn was starting to come. It was the most beautiful sky she had seen in awhile. The oranges, yellows and reds of the sky mixing with the fading blue of the night sky reminded Flowerstar of a fire. At the thought of fire, the strange scent grew stronger. It was the smell of something burning. Fire! She looked around in a panic for the flames, but saw nothing but the flowers in the field.

"Calm down, Flowerstar." Honeywing mewed, stepping closer. "There's no need to panic." Flowerstar looked at Honeywing, panic rising in her chest. It was then that she noticed the dawn sky was casting shadows over the flowers in the field, almost to where Flowerstar couldn't see them any more.

Suddenly, she understood. "The dawn is overtaking the flowers." She said quietly. She looked at Poppyfur and Honeywing who nodded solemnly.

"It's time Flowerstar," Poppyfur said. "You know you'll she be great."

"Flowerstar!" Flowerstar opened her eyes to find herself in a smoke clogged den, she could hear a voice calling for her. Dawnfire. She stood up, breathing in heavy smoke and coughing violently. How much smoke had she already breathed in? She tried to step out, but her shaky legs gave out from under her. I'm not going to make it. Please don't let Dawnfire come in here. She prayed silently and curled up into a ball, waiting for the smoke to take her completely.

"Flowerstar!" Flowerstar's prayer had not come true, Dawnfire was standing in the SunTree's entrance, her green eyes wide with fear and horror.

"Dawnfire..." Her voice choked, she wanted to tell the SunClan deputy to get out and save herself, but her dry throat wouldn't allow her. Dawnfire rushed into the den, helping Flowerstar to her paws. The leader fell against Dawnfire, she could barely stand. She wanted to tell Dawnfire to leave her, but she knew that it wouldn't happen. You poor she-cat. Flowerstar thought as Dawnfire helped her out. You've lost so much, I'm sorry I have to be another. As they stepped outside, Flowerstar looked up, struggling to see through her watering eyes and the heavy smoke that filled the air.

"Hurry up!" A few tail lengths away was Dawnfire's brother, Turtleblaze. Flowerstar could tell Dawnfire was struggled to help her, but she was trying. There was a crack of wood as a tree fell in front of them, sending up a flurry of sparks and ash. Dawnfire turned her head, coughing heavily. You can't die! That's not what's supposed to happen. Flowerstar dropped herself to the ground, letting out more coughs. Her lungs burned, she couldn't continue any longer and she couldn't let Dawnfire try and help her anymore.

"Flowerstar!" Dawnfire cried, trying to nudge Flowerstar to her paws, but the leader refused. "Come on! We have to leave!" Panic lined Dawnfire's mew, panic and sadness.

"Dawnfire, you need to go." Flowerstar finally forced out the words, her voice dry and cracking. She half-opened her eyes, looking into Dawnfire's bright green eyes. Those green eyes filled Flowerstar with so much hope for SunClan's future.

"No!" Dawnfire wailed. "Not without you!" Dawnfire began lifting Flowerstar onto her back, but Flowerstar pushed her away. She couldn't let the warrior do this to herself.

"Dawnfire." Flowerstar lifted her head, keeping her gaze and voice steady. "My time is over." She could see the deputy's eyes filled with pain.

"No! It's not!" Dawnfire cried, throwing herself to the ground. Flowerstar's heart ached for her, she was so scared. She wished she could do more. "You're SunClan's leader! We can't do this without you! I'm not ready to become leader!" She cried into the smoke filled sky, her body trembling with fear and sadness.

Flowerstar moved, it was difficult but she shifted her body to touch her nose to Dawnfire's forehead. "Yes you are, Dawnfire. You will be the savior of the forest, I know you will." Her breathing was faltering, her throat burned. "When the forest is in danger, a new dawn will blaze brighter than the sun." Flowerstar recited the prophecy that had haunted her for so long. "You've been hiding from your destiny, Dawnfire, but now it's time to realize it. You will blaze brighter than the sun, Dawnfire. Brighter than I ever could." As Flowerstar looked at Dawnfire, she realized how much she had grown to love this warrior. Flowerstar never had kits of her own, but she loved Dawnfire as if she was her own daughter. "I was never good at judging cats, I thought that Thornstar would never turned into Falconclaw, and I was worried that you would never face your destiny; but I know now that you are ready. You are ready to lead SunClan, Dawnfire; and you are ready to save the forest." Flowerstar laid her head down, images flashing in her head. Falconclaw, Thornstar, her parents, so many cats that she had known and judged poorly.

"Flowerstar..." Dawnfire's voice was a whimper, she looked defeated. Then Flowerstar felt something cold hit her fur, her eyes slowly drifted up towards the sky where she was water. The rain will put out the fire. She thought. But it won't save me. Dawnfire laid down beside Flowerstar, pressing into her fur. In this moment, Flowerstar was grateful that her deputy was with her now, she was glad that she wasn't dying alone. She pressed back against Dawnfire, waiting.

"Flowerstar, how am I supposed to lead SunClan?" Dawnfire questioned, her voice quiet and trembling.

Flowerstar closed her eyes, feeling her final breaths approaching. "You won't be doing it alone, Dawnfire...we will all be there for you." She knew that she would see Dawnfire again soon, when she came to get her nine lives.

The two of them stopped speaking, and the rain fell harder. Soaking both she-cats, but Dawnfire stayed. Flowerstar opened her eyes slightly, seeing the glowing outlines of the cats she had lost in her life. Stonewhisker and Dovewish, her parents standing side by side and waiting for her. Love filled Flowerstar's heart and she closed her eyes once more, taking her final breath.

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