Act 1

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There is a young girl stand in her room it is currently September 7, 2017 today is your birthday but first you need a name [you type in a random name] no no no the not right [ you type in Danica Egbert-Strider] yes that a good name. Hello there Danica nice to meet you. Oh you have a message for someone you probably should check it out.
Thebookloverlalonde is trolling thecoolnerdystrider
BL: Happy Birthday Danica
CS: Thanks JJ
BL: You're welcome. Did you get my package
CS: No not yet my dad still has it he won't give it to me until the party starts
BL: Ahhh man I thought Uncle Dave would give it to you now
CS: Don't worry I tell aunt Rose that I said thank you ok
BL: Ok well uncle Jake call me bye
CS: Bye
Thebookloverlalonde has stop trolling thecoolnerdystrider
You get up from your chair and go downstairs you see your Dad Egbert watching Ghostbusters you and your Dad Egbert favorite movie while you see Dad Strider baking a cake. You hate cake like you Dad Egbert when he was 13 you there 2 in your room, 7 in the kitchen, and 5 in your Dad Egbert office. You afraid to walk in the kitchen because you don't want to talk to your Dad Strider. He probably give you another cake to eat. You ask Dad Egbert " Hey Dad is that Ghostbusters 1 or 2 " . " Well it new Ghostbusters " Dad Egbert said to you while look at the tv. He says to you " Go talk to your Dad you haven't talk to him since this morning ". " Ok " you said with a sigh. You walk into the kitchen you see you dad Strider. " Sup Dad " you said to him with a cool tone. " Sup " Dad Strider said back. You ask " Can I have one gift please ". Dad Strider nodded he's head. You got sad and left the kitchen with sad look on your face.

scene 2

Hello there dear boy what should we name [ you put in a random name again ]what well ok wait the boy doesn't like that name [you type in JJ Harley-Lalonde] Well hello there JJ nice to meet you." JJ would you come here please " someone shouts at you there is rain come down from there sky. You go downstairs. you wish you can see your cousin on her birthday but your Mother Lalonde and Mom Harley are there for the birthday party but  you stuck with your uncle Jake and Dirk for the week.  You hate it there. There smuppet everywhere but you can't see Janey until she come home from camp. The only reason you're staying here is because school starts in October and you have to get your summer reading done. You see a smuppet you just ignore it. You check your phone to see if Janey has texted you. She did .
ThewonderfulEnglish is trolling Thebookloverlalonde
TE: Hey JJ
BL: Janey how is camp
TE: Good
BL: Can't you believe the you're come home tomorrow
TE: Ahh yes I can't wait to see you I'm going to miss this place but it time to come home
BL: Well Uncle Jake call me it time for dinner
TE: Ok bye see you tomorrow
ThewonderfulEnglish has stop trolling Thebookloverlalonde
You go downstairs you're scare that little cal is there you hate the doll so much it looks like he watching you with those doll like eyes into your soul. Good he not down here. You sit down at the table. It just you and uncle Jake you sat there in silence for a while but then you say " how was work " he replied back saying " Good I told kids about koalas ". Then he starts to talk about koalas you like koalas it your favorite animal. Later the both of you finish dinner. You rush back upstairs to the guest bedroom. That where you temporarily stay for right now until you parents get back. But Danica said something to you on your phone
thecoolnerdystrider is trolling Thebookloverlalonde
CS: Sup
BL: Hi I hear from my Mom that you're coming to see me tomorrow
CS: I thought aunt Rose would keep it a secret from you
BL: Well I kind of knew that you where coming to see me
CS: Well the party is about to start see you tomorrow
BL: Bye Danica
thecoolnerdystrider has stop trolling Thebookloverlalonde
You can't believe that Danica and Janey are coming to see you tomorrow you're filled up with happiness but then you hear the door oh no it Uncle Dirk he probably bought another smuppet damn how many does he have now 500 probably but he just said hi to you and you go back to the guest bedroom but you don't know what will happen to you later in the future
The end of act 1

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