Coffee Girl

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it happened when I took a college field trip to London when it all happened. I had no idea that I would fall in love with Jamie let alone meet him. I was at a coffee shop in downtown London, England when he happened to walk into the coffee shop socking wet from the rain outside. He looked so hot with his hair dripping wet , I thought and sighed letting the thought slip out of my mined and continued to drink my ice frappia mocha, with 3 pumps of chocolate, in silent.

I watched the guy walk to the girl behind the counter and ordered.

"Hi there, I would like a frappai mocha iced, oh and could you be a dear and put three extra pumps of chocolate in it please," the guy smiled.

The girl did to, "That's funny that girl right over there just orders the same exact thing," she laughed.

The guy then turned around and saw me sipping my frappai and sketching in my sketch book. The girl quickly came back and handed him his order and he smiled at her. I decided to not watch him leave so I continued to sketch when he came over to me.

"Hay may I sit here with you," he said with a cocky smile.

I smiled up at him and knocked, that's when I remembered that he was still drenched when water dripped onto my sketchbook.

"Oh no.......," I cried looking at my now very wet sketchbook sadly.

"Oh crap I'm so sorry....... um what's your name," he said to me cautiously.

"its okay I just got it. My names Kerrington, what's yours," I said extending my hand to him.

"I'm Jamie, let me make it up to you," he said with a smile, " I see that you like art, why don't I take you to the art museum, my treat."

I know that I shouldn't talk to strangers, not even cute ones, but my gut told me to say yes.

"Yeah sounds great," I said with a smile as we got up and headed to the door. I turned around just quick enough to ketch a glimpse of the girl giving me a dirty look.

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