Pippa just smiled at me through the mirror.  "Have you ever seen a bath bomb?"

"Why would I buy a bomb?"

John just chuckled.  "Not that type. I'll show you a video later.  Now off we go!"

We left the car and headed into the crowded mall.  I was the only one not wearing glasses or a hat of some sort.  It was a disguise to make shopping faster.  They must have taken lessons from Marvel's costume department.  Surprisingly it worked.  In Hot Topic I got some Disney shirts, jewelry (a couple of necklaces, and bracelets), a Supernatural sweater, and a Harry Potter book bag.  Next was Bath and Body Works.  The second I walked in, I was bombarded with a fusion of different scents. From citrus to earthy scents they had EVERYTHING! Some of them smelled the same but had different colored wax and a ridicules name.  

"Hannah come here!"  I placed down a candle that smelled off the beach and it reminded me of home.  Making a mental note of the name, which was peaceful sailing, I headed over to the excited Philippa.

The section she stood by was filled with little balls that had different designs on them.  "Which one do you think looks better?"

  Some of them looked like globes, flowers, animals, hell some had words written on them.  A simple red, white, and blue one caught my eye.  It had the word freedom written on it.  I held up that little ball and shouted "MERICA!"

"Alright then.  I'm getting you four."

I felt bad for using their money.  "Those look expensive.  I'm okay with one....."

"I insist!  This trip is on us!" After buying four bath bombs, two candles, and two bottles of perfume, we headed over to Old Navy.  It was closed for remodeling.  So we headed to Payless and got four pairs of shoes.  Two everyday shoes, one for going out, and one for fancy events.  Finally, we headed to the food court.  My stomach growled loudly at the smell of the delicious food.  

Jazzy gave me a twenty and said I could get what I want as long as it was an adult meal.  They knew I was severely underweight.  I spotted a Chinese place and got some noodles and a large amount of teriyaki chicken.  Not to mention a large Coke. 

From across the court, I spotted my group that was waving at me like a group of crazy people.  No wonder we get along so well!  I headed over and sat at the corner of the table.   Everyone had something different.  Groff had pizza, Jazzy had a steak salad, Pipp had spring rolls, and Renee had a sandwich from subway.  We ate in comfortable silence and just enjoyed each others company. 

Halfway through our meal, sounds of loud popping filled the air, followed by screams.  Groff, who was sitting next to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me to the floor.  Jazzy, Pippa, and Reneè, followed suit.  "What's going on?" 

"A shooter is in the mall."  Panic laced Pippa's voice. I looked around for an escape route or a better place to hide than under a table.  "Theres a door over there!"  It was less than fifty feet away and there was a crowd near the door.  There was some more popping noise and a stinging sensation filled my leg

Renee nodded at Groff. "Take Hannah and go!"  Groff scooped me up as if i was a rag doll and ran to the door.  There was still sounds of popping and screams, but I closed my eyes and jeld tightly on to the broadway king.  I knew we made it out when I felt the warmth of the sun hit my skin.

I opened my eyes to see the girls behind us with our belongings.  Groff quickly placed me on the floor, yet held my hand tightly.  "Wheres the car?" 

We noticed Jazzys car was halfway across the parkinglot.  With adrenaline filling our viens, we bolted across the parking lot.  Stacking into the car, Jazzy started the engine and drove off.  My ribs were in pain and my legs was on fire.  Pippa asked if everyone was okay.  "My ribs are hurting, and think I  scratched my leg."

I looked down to see blood soaking my pants.  "Jazzy to the Hospital!! NOW!" Renee took off her jacket and wrapped it around my leg.

"I have the worst luck any human could possibly have."  The pain was increasing and I felt tears filling my eyes.

"Im calling Lin."

Lins pov

I woke up to a piece of paper on my face.  The note read Out shopping with Schuyler sister and King George.  At least she was feeling better.  Daveed and Oak walked in with some pizza boxes and soda bottles. 

"Good morning, your protogee took off with the fashion crew around two hours ago. "  Daveed handed me a slice of pizza. 

We sat around with the rest of the cast eating pizza and talking about Hannah.  Thats when everyones phone went off.  Pulling out my phone, i saw a news notification say something about a mall shooting.  HANNAH!  "Where did the girls and groff sauce take Hannah shopping?"

"Nyc mall, why?"  That was the name of the mall. 

"Call the girls, groff, and Hannah! Get a hold of one of them ASAP!"  They took out thier phones and saw the notification. 

My phone began to ring, it was Groff.  "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?! IS HANNAH OKAY?!" My heart feels as of it was going to pop out of my chest.

"We are on the way to the Hospital she was at last time.  She was shot in the leg.  We are less than five minuets away." I told them i would be there in ten minuets.

After telling the cast what happened, we rushed to the cars and sped off to the hospital.  A feeling of guilt and worry filled my stomach.  I should have gone with her.  Everyone seemed on edge and some people were crying.  I was full out crying and my hands were shaking.  My little girl got shot.  

As soon as we arrived, I zoomed out of the car, past the valet, and into the waiting room.  I nearly crashed into the front desk as I quickly spat out if I could see my daughter.  "Name?"

"Hannah Miranda, she was brought in by three woman and a man."

The man at the front desk looked up with sympathy in his eyes.  "Your her father?  She's in surgery right now, apparently the bullet was extremely close to her Femoral Artery.  You can wait in her room.  Its 5534."  He handed me a pass and I took the elevator to the room. 

When I walked in Groff tackled me in a hug. "I-I-I'm sorry Lin.  I was supposed to watch over her and....."

I just hugged him and reassured him that it wasn't his fault.  It was a few hours before Hannah was out of surgery and in her room.  She was asleep in her bed with wires and needles connected to her.  The surgeon said it wouldn't be long till she woke up.  I waited by her side and rubbed circles and the back of her hand.

I called Vanessa who was apparently on her way to the theater.  Within the hour Vanessa was here and holding Sebastian in her arms.  "Where's Sissy?" 

Tears prickeled my eyes and my heart plunged.  "She's seing the doctor right now.  Hannah has a bad boo-boo." 

"Is she going to be okay?"

I started to cry as I held Sebby close.  "I hope so 

Hannah's POV

 I woke up feeling hazy, the last thing I remembered was getting to the hospital and a woman in scrubs poke me with a needle.  It was probably some sort of anesthesia.  "Hey sweetie, how are you?" It was Lin.


I looked over to see Groff and the schuyler sisters fast asleep with some puffiness in their eyes. Daveed was asleep on oaks shoulder with Anthony asleep on his arm. Oak was resting his head on the wall next to Chris who had Thayne head's resting on his lap.  Vanessa was awake but holding a sleeping Sebastian.  "I think we can agree, I'm to never leave the house again."

A smile cracked on Vanessa's face. "Good to see your sense of humor made it out unharmed."

We just sat there in silence treasuring each others presence.  Of course I had Lin take a few pics of the cast, who were essentially in a dog pile. Eventually I fell back asleep.

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