Falling down the rabbit hole

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As I was falling down the rather deep rabbit hole I couldn't help wander. Who had called my name. Had someone seen me run off and gone to see what I had left to do. Or was it my Aunt Catelyn keeping a rather close eye on me making sure I didn't get into any trouble again like last year with all the stink bombs.

Then again the voice sounded like that of a boy my age. Also the voice seemed to be rather familiar. As I was pondering the possibilities of who had called my name I looked around at my surroundings trying to see If I could well see anything. 

After letting my eyes adjust for  few minutes it was almost as if I was seeing floating clocks and book shelves and even cabinets filled with odd and ends.

As I kept falling I couldn't help but wander what kind of rabbit had dug such a large, deep and strange hole to contain such peculiar things such as floating clocks. Maybe they were some kind of hoarder or clocks and peculiar odds and ends. Soon I started laughing at the thought of a rabbit being a hoarder.

Minute after minute passed. Not long after seeing the first book shelf had I decided to grab a book to read not entirely sure on how long I was to carry on falling. After a while I even started to see things such as floating mirrors and the odd bed and lampshade.

I even went past a floating tea pot and tea cup and decided to pour my self a cup of tea with a pot of sugar and teaspoon drifting by only seconds later as if it were trying to make me more comfortable.

Before I had even registered what had happened I landed with a soft thud on a small mound of pillows as if many other people had done what I had and fallen through the rabbit hole. As I stood up to dust myself of though I decided to see if I could see the other end of the rabbit hole but when I looked up I only saw a perfectly smooth blue ceiling with a pattern that looked like fish scales that shimmered in the light of the crystal chandelier. Which all in all I found rather peculiar.

At this point I knew there was only one thing I could do.

Find the white rabbit and make him take me home.


Thanks for reading and I will update soon. Please comment and vote.

Cupcakes Out :)

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