Chapter 14: Seeing Things

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            I groaned and set my forehead against the car window. I sat in the back seat as Dean drove us across the California border. I was getting restless and my chest was aching. I hadn’t eaten in a day and I could feel my head start to throb. I wanted nothing more than to lay  down and eat a burger.

            “How about we stop and get something to eat?” I asked rubbing my hand against my stomach.

            “Yeah, Dean, we haven’t  stopped since-“ Sam started.

            “Since Emily almost got killed by a demon. Since we found out that demons are after her, and angels too for that matter. I just want to get this job over with and take her to Bobby’s safe room.” Dean was serious and I almost got goose bumps from his angry tone.

            “How is starving me, saving me?” I asked miserably. “And why is it a bad thing the angels are after me? Aren’t they the good guys?”

            “They aren’t any good guys.” Dean said simply.

            “It is complicated.” Sam scratched his head. “We want the angels to win but they are going a little power crazy as of late.”

            I nodded. “Right. Because God has fallen off the deep end.” I didn’t really believe the biblical things they were saying at first. But as they went on I knew it was too elaborate for a lie. They were telling the truth and the apocalypse was real.

            “The only angel I know even looking for him is Cas.” Dean muttered. “Seems like a lost cause.”

            “Cas?” I asked. “What kind of a name is that for an angel?”

            Dean cracked a smile for some reason. “Short for Castiel.”

            “Castiel.” I whispered under my breath. “You speak like he is a good friend.”

            “He is the only angel I trust with my life.” Dean chuckled. “The only one doing anything worth a damn.”

            “The only one who has showed us any emotion.” Sam added quietly.

            I closed my eyes and felt a pain shoot through my abdomen. “If I don’t eat soon I am going to open this door and roll out. Can we please stop?” I didn’t want to whine but now I was desperate.

            “Fine.” Dean caved. “But in and out. No dilly dallying.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Lighten up.” Then in my head I saw Dean smiling at a pretty waitress and handing her the check. I watched like a movie in my head as we walked out of the diner and into the car again. “Nothing is going to happen. But you are going to get a little blueberry pie on your shirt.” I smirked.

            Sam chuckled. “How could you know that?”

            “I saw it.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I guess I can see things in the future if I focus.”

            “Careful messing with those things.” Dean spoke before he could think. He didn’t want her to know about the evil that lies in her and the path Cas told him she might take. “I don’t want you to get power crazy.”

            “Sorry.” I apologized. The last thing I wanted was to upset the men who were letting me tag along. I didn’t know how hard it was for them to take on an outsider but I had to make sure I wasn’t getting them mad or becoming a hassle.

            “Just, be careful. Being a seer you need to learn how far you can go, how much energy is too much, and what you are fully capable of.” Sam looked out his window. “It is amazing how quickly things can spiral out of control.”

            I turned to see Dean look at Sam quickly with some hurt in his eyes. He looked like the older brother who just wanted to protect his brother and keep him from any harm that comes knocking.

            “I will keep that in mind, thanks.” I smiled as Dean pulled into a diner in this small town we were passing through. I looked out the window to see a bunch of people in short shorts and tank tops. I looked down at my faded jeans and wrinkly t-shirt. I took off my sweatshirt and exited the car the second I heard the engine cut off.

            I stood and stretched in the sun. I looked down at my shoes and smiled. It felt so nice to be standing and not crunched up in that car. I turned to see Dean and Sam get out of the car and look at the diner with a hungry stare. I grinned wider and walked up to the door without a second thought. I opened the door and was hit with the smell of eggs and bacon. I held the door as Dean and Sam walked in giving me polite smiles.

            I followed them as a waitress took us to our table. She handed us menus and walked off with a polite smile and a small bounce in her step. I sat in the booth across from Sam. I was expecting Dean to sit next to Sam but he pushed me across and sat on the outside booth beside me. I think Sam was surprised too but he quickly picked up his menu. I stared over at Dean to see him intently searching the menu.

            “I am Kimberly and I will be your waitress this morning. What can I get you three to drink?” Came a pleasant southern voice.

            I looked up to see the waitress from my vision. I felt my cheeks redden and I panicked. I buried my face in the menu and hoped no one saw that. I just couldn’t believe it was really her. I was still a little surprised at my powers.

            “I will take a coffee.” I said with a rough voice. I cleared my throat and buried my face deeper into the menu.

            “Same.” Dean and Sam said at the same time. They nervously chuckled as I heard the waitress pad off.

            I looked over the menu to be reassured that she was gone. I saw Sam looking at me curiously.

            “Same waitress from my vision.” I explained shortly. I shrugged at Sam. “Still new to me.”

            He nodded and looked back at his menu. “Understandable.”

            I felt Dean shift on the seat and I turned to see him looking at me with some intrigue. He itched the back of his neck and set his elbow on the table. “Alright. Tell me, when we get to the town we are supposed to be going to, what is waiting there for us? How many demons?”

            I looked away from his eyes and down at a empty spot on the table. I concentrated and directed my thoughts to getting out of the car at out destination. I grabbed the edge of the table as my sight but off of the table and I saw an open field. The three of us were standing, unarmed in this field. I was looking down as if from a tree or the sky. Dean was watching me and Sam was fumbling with something in his hands. Suddenly four men walk out from the brush to the left of where I am standing. They have black eyes.

            “Emily.” Dean whispers and I know that it isn’t from the vision but from reality.

            I am pulled back and the next minute I am staring at the table. I looked up and blink a few times. Sam and Dean are both staring at me with parted lips and a little bit of shock. I set my bad arm on my lap and take a deep breath.

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