Chapter 13: Pawns Between Heaven and Hell

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            Dean stepped outside the hotel room as Sam patched Emily up. He took hold of the guard real and looked down at his beautiful black car. It made him smile a little. He turned slightly and saw a man standing right beside him staring off with no expression on his face. Dean was surprised at the dark haired man’s presence then he relaxed and stood tall.

            “What brings you around, Cas?” Dean asked the angel who saved him from hell.

            “Emily.” He used his deep voice and turned slightly to Dean. His eyes were stone and his jaw set. “I am here for the girl.”

            Dean looked into Cas’ eyes and knew instantly that he was serious business with this visit. “Why? What would you have anything to do with her?”

            Cas showed a small smile. “She is important. If a demon gets his hands on her, it is bad news for us and her.”

            “Why?” Dean stared at Cas making sure he didn’t disappear without answering him. “I know you saved me Cas, and I know that me and Sam are going to have to take on Lucifer, but what does Emily have to do with any of it?”

            “She is a key role in Lucifer’s army. She is his seer. Just like we have Chuck, the prophet, Lucifer has the seer Emily.” Cas looked over toward the hotel room. “She doesn’t know it. She is just like you and Sam. She has a choice, but it is almost certain that she will lead Lucifer to paradise.”

            “No. No freaking way.” Dean spoke harsh and stubborn. “I will not let that happen.”

            Cas gave Dean a kind smile. “You feel protective over her because you were assigned her guardian. Other angels just wanted to kill her, but I burned her with the same hiding enchantment as I have you on your ribs. She doesn’t know, I did it when she was a small child.” He looked down slightly so he wasn’t looking into Dean’s harsh eyes. “If she works for our side, she will be a fierce foe against Lucifer. She can see the future, and she is destined to see the end of either side. Maybe both. She is the one who will tell one side how to defeat the other.”

            “Why me, Cas?” Dean asked with a little whine. “And why are her powers escalated now?”

            Cas looked at him with surprise. “Dean, you are the only one I trust. Lucifer rising was the event that caused her powers to revive themselves. It is starting now so that she will have them for when he is ready to fight. They are going to come rapidly and she may not even know why she can master them. She is going to be scared.” Cas looked at the ground with a frown. “She is going to be confused.”

            Dean paused and took a deep sigh. He looked down at his shoes and gave in to Cas. “What are the odds right now that she turns to evil?” Dean asked not believing she would anyway.

            “999,999,999 to one.” Cas looked Dean cautiously in the eye. “Maybe a little more so. But I believe in you. I think that you two can make her stay good. Keep her close. Watch her carefully. You don’t want to have to face her in the end. Her powers grow by the hour.” Cas looked over at the door again. “She is destined to take down one side or the other.”

            “I don’t know this side of you. Usually you just want us to kill it. Why are you all of the sudden looking out for a human being? Ezpecially one that could lead to your death?” Dean was still untrusting of angels and Cas knew he was walking on thin ice.

            Cas looked into his eyes and he tried to find the words. “She is a fallen angel. She was my sister.”

            Dean’s eyes widened and his head fell back a little. He blinked and Cas was gone. He swore under his breath and then tried to make sense of what just happened. Emily is a fallen angel that holds the key to either evil or good’s destruction, he was her guardian, and they had to convince her to stay good. Not to mention the fact that she is Cas’ sister. How does that even work with Angels?

            The hotel door opened and Sam came out. He looked a little hardened from patching the girl up. He looked Dean over and then looked curious. Dean shifted his weight from foot to foot and sighed deeply. He looked past Sam’s shoulders and saw Emily sitting on the edge of his bed. She was lightly tracing the bandage over her arm.

            “What is the matter?” Sam asked knowing something was wrong.

            Dean looked him in the eye and shook his head. “Nothing. We need to get moving.”

            Sam tilted his head and didn’t make a motion to move. “Dean-“

            “Sam.” Dean looked at Sam sternly. “I will explain things later. Right now we need to get moving. We need to go help and then we really have to go see Bobby.” Dean looked back over toward Emily.

            She was looking up at him. He looked into her eyes and saw only what he could now see as the same eyes that Cas had. Not the color, but the same look. The same helpless ignorant needy look that Cas wore all the time. She blinked and looked down at the ground. Dean watched the color fill her cheeks. He knew then why Cas wanted to save her. She was human and she felt the emotions that Cas has never experienced. Dean wondered if she has lived this long because Cas has watched over her.

            “Fine.” Sam turned his back to Dean and walked back into the room.

            Dean stood watching the two of them. They listlessly grabbed their bags and started to leave this place behind. He watched like a guardian to both of them as they shuffled past him out into the night air. He didn’t make a move to get his bag from the room. He just wondered what was to become of the three of them. They were destined to be pawns in this fight of Heaven and Hell. What was the cost that would be totaled in the end?

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