Chapter 6

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Hi, yes I'm still alive :') I am a lazy writer, but please enjoy this smol update! Hope every one of my readers is well and safe especially under these uncertain times.


Hakura hastily and politely excused himself from the guests in front of him and left them in the care of his sister, and now wife, Juri.

Hakura leaving the room full of guests, however, didn't go unnoticed by two individuals.

In another room within the glorious mansion was bursted open by a rather frantic and disheveled looking groom, who still looked quite handsome despite his anxious appearance constantly searching for something, or should I say, someone?

"Yuji! I know you're here!" Haruka called out panting.

As if on cue, a mirage of white butterflies flew together to form an oval shape. Within the perfectly fluttering oval, an image began to reflect, as if it was a mirror, revealing a beautiful girl that hasn't been seen in a few years. 

"My my, you still remember little old me," A melodious voice snarked back, as if it was mocking him. 

"Sister..." Haruka eyes ever so softened after seeing his precious younger sister, even if it was just a mirror image. She looked even more beautiful than the day she left.

"I beginning to think you forgot about me, but I suppose I should congratulate you since it is your wedding day," Yuji calmly started as she stared at nothing in particular, even looking at her nails as if she was bored. 

"You're supposed to be here, here for us, here..for me..." Haruka calmly trailed off as he walked closer to the mirror, and softly placed his hand on the mirror. Haruka never stopped looking for Yuji the day she left everyone behind, the day the engagements were announced. While his and Juri's marriage was supposed to occur the following year, it was pushed back a whole 4 years due to Haruka's insistence. How could he get married when his youngest sibling was still missing?

But one thing was clear, it was impossible to find her, unless she wants to be found. 

"You know very well that I can't," Yuji spoke softly, even meekly. The beautiful girl in the mirror calmly placed her hand on the mirror as well, as if she were touching Haruka's hand, as if she was physically there. Her eyes seemed empty, yet piercing, as if she could see into his soul. They seem to have lost their little glimmer, that her younger innocent eyes used to hold. 

"When will you come back? Juri misses you, ... I miss you," Haruka stated as he moved his hand from hers, and slowly touched her face through the mirror, as if he was gently caressing her face as if she was there.

Yuji paused after that sentence, pondering what she should say next. She gave Haruka a small smile before turning her back to him. Haruka could hear her soft words, "I'm not... goodbye brother." 

The image of her started to dissipate as she walked away from the reflection. The butterflies that fluttered around the reflection also began to disappear as specks of sparkles were left where they once were. 

Haruka was left alone in the room, dropping his hand in defeat. He couldn't help but think about his youngest sister.

Unbeknownst to Haruka, someone was also there listening, hidden behind the doors. He could only clench his fist and walk away before Haruka came out to rejoin everyone in the reception hall for the remainder of the wedding. 

Yuji POV

It's been 4 years since I last saw my family. I particularly despised my parents, loathed them for what they did. But I knew it wouldn't be long until they would beckon me back so they could marry me off as well. 

Haruka and Juri would be fine without me, I was sure of it. They had each other at the very least and would soon have a family of their own. There was nothing to worry about. 

As for Rido, he too will soon marry Shizuka. While I know it is a loveless marriage, it doesn't mean that it still doesn't hurt. That I could never be his wife. But I know Shizuka would at least look out for him, even if she didn't love him, but for me. 

Third person POV

Yuji's thoughts began to trail off as she sat inside her pavilion staring at the beautiful cherry blossom tree that sat in the middle of her garden. It was a calm and peaceful night that could make anyone feel at ease. 

At least that's what Yuji thought, it was calm before a storm. The start of her nightmare was about to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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