Chapter 2

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"Brother," I called to Haruka as he was reading a book while sitting in one of the chairs in my room.

"Yes, Yuji?" He asked without tearing his gaze away from the book he was reading.

"Who do you think Juri will pick between you and elder brother?" I asked as I stared off to nothing in particular. Haruka paused from turning the page.

"What makes you say that?" He asked casually flipping a page.

"It's obvious Rido loves her, as do you, but as you know Juri and I aren't particularly close. So I wonder who she will pick." I simply stated staring out of my window.

"Yuji, it's not what you think..." Haruka stated slowly.

"What else am I suppose to think?! The only one in this household who acknowledges my presence is you..." I cried out in anger and sadness, tears streamed down my face.

"Yuji..." Hakura stated in concern as he closed his book .

"Please get out," I whisper.

"But.." Haruka tried to reason.

"I SAID GET OUT!" I shouted cracking the large window panes with my anger.

I'm all alone.

It was evident that Hakura and Yuji were fighting. Doors slammed and there were numerous panes cracked. Yuji always had a temperament, but the most lonely out of us all.

"Why are they fighting?" I heard Juri cry next to me. I reassured nothing was wrong. Juri never liked when people fought with one another. Yuji, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. She was more the type to be in her own world. youngest dear sister.

Yuji POV
My one sided love is a tragic one indeed. Was I a fool to love a man who loved another? I couldn't bare being near him. The more I watched him, the more I loved him. But every glance, every word he spoke to her only made my heart ache. I refused to leave, confided in my safe heaven.

Love is deadly.

I glanced nowhere in particular. My head is where humans would say, in the clouds?

Knock Knock

Hmm? Did Hakura come back? I did feel a bit bad for yelling but Rido was always a sensitive topic when I heard things I didn't want to hear or when people tried to reason when what I said was very much true.

I refused to acknowledge yet they refuse to accept.

I opened the door, ready to greet Hakura, but I was very wrong.

"Haku--oh," I stated before cutting myself off. There stood in front of my was the man I loved very dearly. My eldest brother Rido.

"Yuji.." Rido started off.

" there something you needed? You...never come by..." I trailed trying to contain my happiness and suppress a blush.

He's finally here to see me!

"Yes, I just wanted to ask you to refrain from getting out of control. You scared Juri early with the slamming doors and cracking the windows. It was completely uncalled for," Rido stated, slightly disappointed.

He wasn't here for me..

I couldn't say anything...just stare at his chest.

"Do you understand?!" Rido slightly yelled.

"Of course... Of course for Juri," I said in disbelief before closing the door and locking it. I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

It's always about her.

How foolish can I get? To think he finally came to see me, his youngest sister. But instead, he was more concerned about Juri. It always has been..

And forever will be..

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