Chapter 2

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The bullies had forced Jungkook down onto the table, knocked him out, and now they were using matches to heat up a thin metal rod until the tip was red-hot, and then burning marks onto Jungkook's bare chest.

Without stopping to hesitate after registering the situation, you kicked open the door. Sprinting to the seemingly lifeless body on the table, you punched the one with the metal rod in the stomach and gave a high kick to the one with the matches.

The match that was still on fire landed on one of the other guys, setting his shirt on fire. He screamed and tried to blow the fire out, and while he was occupied by that task, you managed to knock out another guy.

When you turned to deal with the remaining two, you saw that they had picked up chairs as weapons. Wow, you thought. They can't even fight you barehanded, and they know it.

You were able to deal with them in time, and after interrogating the one that had the fire on his shirt, you shoved them all out of the classroom and slammed the door behind you. You didn't know whether you were more surprised that the event had actually taken place or that none of the staff had noticed the commotion.

Finally sitting down, you took a deep breath and observed the marks they had made on Jungkook's chest. They didn't seem too bad, but they would leave scars.

Remembering that you should probably treat his burns, you headed to the first aid kit, pulled out some burn gel and gauze, then quickly headed back. You squeezed the gel onto your fingers, then smeared the gel on Jungkook's chest, trying to cover the marks with a thick layer of gel so it would last.

Wrapping the gauze around his chest, you tied a knot and secured the gauze, stepping back to observe your handiwork.

You pulled out your phone while tugging down Jungkook's shirt, trying to resist looking down at his toned abs. You flipped through the apps on your phone aimlessly, trying to focus on anything but your wild thoughts.

Tapping your fingers on the table, you looked out the window and couldn't help but think about the transfer students from before. Hearing a low groan, you turned around and saw Jungkook slowly sit up.

"Ow~," he groaned again.

He looked around, then winced as he turned. Pulling up his shirt with no regard to your presence, he stared at the burn marks on his chest in horror.

"y/n... what happened? Did those guys do this or did you do..." he trailed off, obviously growing wary of you as he sidled off the table and tried to stand up.

You rushed to his side before he fell down, and propped him against the table, saying, "what do you think you're doing, standing up right after getting knocked out? Also yes those guys burned you with that." You nodded your head at the metal rod.

He was silent for a while. You studied his face, trying to see what he felt behind the pain. Suddenly, he pulled you over and gave you a hug.

Surprised, you were only able to stand there awkwardly while Jungkook squeezed you even harder. You felt him crying and shaking, wondering what made him cling on to a stranger he barely knew. You tried to comfort him by giving him some pats on the back.

Pulling away, you asked why. All you got in return was "thank you," which didn't exactly explain anything, but you decided not to pry.

You walked him home, and neither of you said a word on the way back. Although it was very quiet, the silence wasn't awkward, which was something you hadn't thought was possible.

For the rest of the day and well into the night, you wondered what you would do the next day. How would you talk to Jungkook with what had happened earlier? Would he even come to school at all tomorrow? And what about the guys that had committed a serious crime? Most importantly, what had actually happened to all the transfers you had probably misunderstood?

Before you fell asleep, you made a decision. Tomorrow, the bullies will feel the same pain you and Jungkook had felt from them. Tomorrow, the bullies will suffer.

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