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i once had a friend

who spoke as if he had an infinite amount of words

and wrote with inexhaustible commas,

and when i questioned why

he simply said

‘i don’t like periods

because periods are perpetual endings

and mangled promises

and forgotten friends

and decomposed loved-ones,’

he said

‘i don’t like periods

because periods mean you’re forced to start over

with a new subject, new verb, new noun,

with a new story, new people, new life,’

and he continued to say

that periods were for the walking dead

who thought it to be okay

to pretend like their actions didn’t catalyze other human beings

like atoms colliding into compounds

and like their words only took effect for the first 24-hours

like a bitter brand of cold medicine

and like ‘i love you’ and ‘i promise’ were nothing but cheap holiday cards

like that special day of the year that still everyone neglected to acknowledge,

my friend hated periods

because they meant that someday

he too would end,

and so would i

and it wouldn’t necessarily be together,

i once had a friend

and he loathed periods

because everything had to end

and acknowledging that in the form of a miniscule, inked dot

only gave it more power.

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