Chapter 2

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I wake up in Natalie's arms but I'm freezing cold. "Why am I so  cold?"  I look around trying to locate the source of  the coldness. I look at the window but it's closed. I check my fan but it's off. I realize  suddenly othat Natalie has all of the blankets wrapped around her body.

"Ugh" I groan. I get up and out of bed. I walk downstairs it's freezing down here. I run back upstairs and jump into my fluffy slippers. "Ahh, much better" I go back downstairs.

I'm starving so I decide to make pancakes. I get a bowl and start collecting the ingredients. When I have everything out I turn on the oven. I grab my phone out and start blasting music. I turn on Taylor swift's speak now. It's my favorite song.  I start
mixing the ingredients.  I yell the song at the top of my lungs

"Don't say yes run away now , I'll meet you when your out, of the church at the back door, don't wait or say a single vow, you need to hear me out and they said speak now"

I put the pancakes on the stove. I continue singing while the pancakes. Bubbles start to appear and I start counting 1..2...3

"A song that's sounds like a death march"


"I stand up with shaking hands, all eyes on me"

8...9...10..11. I flip the pancake and the song ends. Next is "Enchanted" I skip the song and play the next one. It's Nat's favorite song but I don't like it. Probably because she use to play it all the time. She use to do dance routine for our parents all the time with that song. She stopped listening to it a while ago.  I check the pancake and it's done so I take it off and out more batter in the pan.

I'm finishing the pancakes as Nat comes down.

"Hey kid" she says "whatcha cookin, it smells good. "

"Pancakes" I tell her "your favorite" I say while biting into one of them.

"Ooh" she says. I throw her one. She catches it and takes a big bite. "Ow hot"
She spits it in the sink.

"Ew Natalie now you have to clean that up cause I'm not gonna" I yell. While flipping the last pancake onto the plate.
She laughs.

"Ok" she says. "But only if you do dishes." Getting out the plates and the forks.

"Fine" I yell. I grab the maple syrup and sit down at the table with her. We start eating our pancakes while listening to the rest of the Taylor Swift album. We eat in silence until.

"OMG ally we still have school today" she yells "crap crap crap go get dressed" I get up grab my phone and run up the steps. I grab a random outfit, throw it on and run out the door. I run into the car. Natalie's already in there with the car on, so she backs out.

The whole way to school I'm pretty sure she's speeding. She usually never goes higher then the limit but I guess today's the exception. Schools only a five minute ride but we get there in three and a half.

I get out of the car  and wave goodbye as she drives away. She's in high school and I'm only in junior high so she doesn't know a lot of the stuff that happens around here. I try to keep my head down and avoid the bullying, but today I'm not that lucky.

"Hey you little bitch, come here" Keith says. His friends snicker at his comment.

"What Keith" I say as I walk towards him and his posse.

"Did you need me to walk you your class. I can hold your hand if you want" he teases. My best friend Sharon walks up behind him.

"Shut up Keith and go to hell while your at it" she tells him.

"God Sharon why don't you back off" he tells her.

"Come on ally,  lets go" Sharon says to me. She grabs my bag and drags me inside. I walk with her and listen Keith and his friends mock us as we walk away.

"Thanks Shar, your a life saver" I give her a hug.

"No problem bud I'd do it even if I didn't love ya" Shar says. I laugh and think about how terrible life would be with out her. She made the year after my parents so much easier. I can tell her anything and she can tell my anything.

We've gone through a lot together even though we met two years ago. Shar has been bouncing around foster care since she was five. Her parents were a bunch of druggies And ODed. That's when she was put in foster care.

She remembers being in her crib at 4 years old crying for her mom and no one responding for hours. She's tiny because she never had enough to eat. She still doesn't sometimes she goes without food. I usually bring her some food but I forgot today.

"You get me anything today" she asks almost pleads.

"No, I'm so sorry I forgot" I tell her.

"It's ok" she lies. She doesn't like being vulnerable it reminds her of her past. So she stands up for herself and others. She's one of the bravest people I've ever known.

"I'll bring extra tomorrow, I promise" I say.

*Ding Ding Ding. The warning bell rings

"Oh crap I gotta go, I can't be late again"I tell her. I start making my way down the hall.

"Me too, see ya later" she yells after me.


After school I wait outside for my sister to pick me up. It usually takes her 10 minutes to get here but today she's late. I guess she had a bad day too. Sharon already got picked up so I'm all alone when Keith and his posse walk up to me.

"Hey you little bitch"Keith says.

"What do you want Keith" I say.

"Well a lot of things but from you I just want you to feel like shit" he responds.

"Just leave me alone ok" I say. I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm. "Let go" I yell.

"Make me" he says. His friends laugh. I yank my arm away and continue walking away. "Come back here you bitch" I slowly turn around to face him. He pulls his arm back and punches me in the ribs.

"Next time don't walk away from me" he whispers in my ear and walks away. Him and his friends laughing at my pain. I sit there waiting for Natalie writhing in pain.

Hey guys hope you liked it. Please comment and vote. Thank you so much for reading it means so much to me. I hope to publish the next chapter soon. Thanks!

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