The Finding

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*Ty's POV*

We came back home and gathered anything that we would need. We put the things in the trunk of the car, and we called Mitch and Jerome. I told them what was up and they bought tickets immediately. About three hours pasted and they pulled into our driveway. "Are we taking separate cars?" Mitch asked. "No, it'll be easier and faster if we travel in the same car." Adam said. "Ok, do we need any extra help?" Jerome asked. "We've got that covered." I said. We heard a knock at the door. "That's them." I said while opening the door. "Hey, are we going now?" Seto asked. "Ya, you guys are backup, you've got to remember that. I already gave you the address so you guys can go. Act like you are pulling up to see somebody else. Don't cause much attention." I exclaimed. "Ok we'll see you there." He responded. We got into the car and we went full speed to the house. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Dawn. I couldn't wait to get Sarah back. We could return safely as a family again. We could be happy.

*John's POV*

I woke up with a pain in my side. I got up and I walked it off. At the door there was some food. I didn't eat much. There was only one plate of food anyways. I left the rest for Sarah, who was still sleeping. She's going through a lot. I won't wake her up. I've been keeping something from her though. I don't want to freak her out nor the woman outside the cell. What a bitch. I mean the woman, not Sarah. Anyways, I've been keeping something from Sarah, I think she wouldn't like me if I told her. I just hate arguing with myself. It ruins me and the people that I hang out with. Anyways even if I wanted to, I couldn't. This stupid cell won't let me. I really couldn't, I have electric powers. When I get too angry, it could hurt somebody. Maybe even kill them. That's why I hate it when I argue with myself. It gets other people hurt. I checked Sarah to see if she was getting uncomfortable. Meaning if she was still cold. Why would this woman hurt teenagers for no reason. I haven't seen her ever! What I want to know is why she was doing this to Sarah. I hate it. I hate her! It's good that this fucking cell is keeping me back from using my powers. "Is it time to wake up Ty?" Sarah asked. "Ty? Who is he?" I asked. "Oh! Um sorry..." she blushed. "You don't have to be embarrassed. But who is Ty? And if you mean Deadlox then I think you were dreaming." I said. She seemed shocked. About what? That I know who Deadlox is? I don't get it. "Ty... he's one of my dads. And yes I'm meaning Deadlox. BUT DONT TELL ANYBODY!!!!" she yelled. "I promise. Who's your other dad?" I asked. "Umm, you won't believe this. But its... Sky, Adam." she whispered. What the hell? Is this true? I haven't been on YouTube for a while. I have other school work that holds me back from even doing one simple thing like watching a video. I would've said something but I was too shocked. Was Skylox real, just like the fans intended? Ugh too much to think about. "Really? So that means..." I said. "Ya, but I love both of them. And they love me back. I know that they'll come. They'll get us out, out of this hell. I know it." She explained. I handed her the plate of food. She handed me some. "No, I already got some. I left the rest for you." I responded. "I'm not eating until you eat more of this. I don't want you to starve. We are supposed to be in this together aren't we?" she said. "I guess so..." I responded as I grabbed the food. I'm trying to draw a pattern why Sarah is here. Then the woman came and grabbed Sarah and pulled her with her. I tried to make her let go, but I couldn't. Dammit, what is she going to do?

*Sarah's POV*

Dawn grabbed me and dragged me out of my cell. She brought me up a flight of stairs, and she grabbed a gun. It was a handheld gun. Nothing big, but it can do big damage. She brought me to a bedroom and locked the door. "Sorry honey, but I have to take care of something." she said, her voice slightly muffled from the door. "DONT HURT JOHN!!! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DO!!!" I yelled. I could hear her foot steps walking away from the door. I flopped on the bed and prayed that somebody would come soon. Then I heard a slam, and running. What the hell was happening?

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