Chapter 7

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(Flairs POV)
"There is another reason. Y did u come back to the isle, with Mal." Harry said. "There is no other reason" I lied. I just didnt want to be anywhere near Carlos. "I can tell ur lying" He said. "I'm not" I said. The I turned away from him and started walking. But he grabbed my wrist again. I looked straight into my eyes. I feel different. "Tell me. Ur not telling the truth." He said. He pushed my hair behind my ear with his hook. "I-I um. Didnt want to be near Carlos." I said. "Ur boyfriend? Y?" He asked. "We broke up" I said sad. I then looked  down at the floor. "Why" He asked picking my head up with his index finger. "He liked Jane, and lied to me" I said. "Then he didnt deserve u in the first place" I said. I smiled. I think I like harry. "No u can't like harry" I thought in my mind.

       I just kept thinking that he was really really cute. But I cant like him. He's a villain, a real villain. "HARRY!!" Uma yelled. Harry went inside. I walked away from the shop. I started walking around the isle and heard a familiar voice. I looked around the corner and saw Evie, Jay, Carlos, Gil and Ben. I was trying to hear their conversation. They walked away from Gil. "Oh, Umas gonna love this" Gil said and started to run this way. "Hey Gil." i said. "Oh, Hey Flair" He said. "So, ur going to tell Uma that they are here." raYup. And now u" He said. "No need. I raaaa stopped by. Let's go" I said. Gil and I started walking to Ursula's fish and chips. "Hey Uma" I said. "Hey" She replied. I went and sat down next to harry. Gil looked confused. I smiled at him.

     "What" Uma asked Gil. "Umm... nothing" Gil said. "So, where's ur hat" Uma asked. "Not now" I said. I looked at harry and smiled. He took of his hat and placed it on my head. "I dont want it on my head." I said. He laughed. I then made a silly face causing us both to laugh. I took of the hat and placed it in his head. "There" I said. "Can u two stop playing around" Uma said annoyed. Me and Harry laughed. "Harry!!" Uma said a little loud. "What" Harry asked. "Go get Ben." Uma said. "Here" Uma said throwing a pirate hat to me. "Thanks" I said confused. I walked out and someone grabbed my wrist. "I need to talk to u" Harry said. "What about" I asked. "I want to say that... I like u and I want to know if u wanted to be my girlfriend" Harry said. "Yes" I said Happy, trying not to burst out of excitement.

         "Great. Now I have to go get Ben." harry said. "Well, let me go with u" I said. Me and Harry started walking and saw Ben walking our way. He didnt notice us. "Hey Ben" I said. "Flair" Ben said confused. Then we had goblins take him. Harry started walking Evie, Jay, and Carlos. I his in the shadows near them. "Ben dont scare us like that" Evie said. "Dont scare u, eh. Thats my speciality" Harry said with his cute accent. I came out of the shadows doing and evil laugh. "Harry" Evie said. "And flair" Carlos said confused. "What did u do with Ben" Jay asked angry. "Oh um. We nicked him. Mmhhmm yeah" Harry said. "And if u want to see him again have Mal come to the chip shop tonight. alone. Uma wants a little visit" Harry said in his cute accent. I laughed a little.

         "Aww, Jay. Seems like u lost ur touched" Harry said while Jay lunged forward to be stopped by Evie. Harry then looked at Carlos. I looked at Carlos too. "Hey" Harry yelped. It was cute. "Harry, Go" I told him. He walked away whistling a tune. "What are u Doing" Evie asked. "I'm part of the crew. And dont expect me to come back" I said. "But y. Y did u leave" Evie asked. I glanced quickly at Carlos. "No Reason." I said. I think Evie saw. "Oh and u wanna know the best part" I asked them. "what could be good in any of this" Jay asked. I laughed a little. "Maybe not for u, but for me and harry its good" I said. "What are u talking about" Evie said. "Me and Harry are together" I said. I smiled. I finally looked at Carlos. He looked away from me. "What" Jay said shocked. "U heard me right" I said. Evie pulled me away.

        "Y did u come. And y are u with harry hook. And y are u apart of the crew" Evie asked. "To many questions. First of all, I already told u why I left. There wasn't a reason. But i did leave with Mal" I said. Evie looked at Carlos. "Did u and Carlos break up" Evie asked sad. "I didnt want to show the sadness. "Yes. But I'm glad, or else harry and I would have never be together." I said. "U caught him, didnt u" Evie asked. "I heard him trying to ask Jane to cotillion. But Jane didnt even know what he was talking about." I said. "Oh. Well, go talk to him" "No" I said. Evie went back with Carlos and Jay. I walked twards them. Then Carlos pulled me away. "Did h come because of me" He asked. "No. Y would it be because of u" I asked. "I dont know, maybe cuz I hurt u" He said. "Well, that isn't the reason" I said. "Come on" He said. "Plz, forgive at least. Just forgive me. I'm sorry. Can we still be friends." he asked. He then grabbed my hands. I looked down. I pulled them away from his hands.

       "Apology not accepted. Apology rejected" I said while pushing him a little. He looked kinda sad. With a hint of anger. I walked away. "Remember, have Mal come to Ursulas fish and chips. Alone" I said. I smiled and walked away. "U done talking to them" Harry asked. "Yup" I said. We started to head to Ursula's fish and chips. "By the way u are rocking that hat." harry said. "Not yet, I need to add some stuff because this hat is ugly" I said. He laughed. "So ur a fashion girl, aren't ya" "Ya, got a problem with that" I said. "No. " He said. He put his arm around me. "Finally ur here." Uma said. "Y do u need me here" I asked. "I got a room for u already" Uma said. "Really" I asked. "Yup" she said. She led me to my room. It was blue "yay its blue" I thought in my head. "Wow, thx" I said and smiled. "Make ur self at home. Even tho the beds here are not comfy" She said.

        "I'll manage. I lived here before" I said. She smiled a little. "Now, I need to go get something." I said. I was going to the hide out to get all my stuff. Well my important stuff. Like my designing stuff. I left to the hide out. Before I threw the rock to the sign, I felt someone hug me from behind. I got scared. "Relax its me" Harry said. "Harry, u scared me" I said and punched him on the arm, not that hard. "What are u doing here" he asked. "Just getting some stuff. " I said. "Let me help u" he said. "No its fine. U can go back and keep an eye on Ben" I said. "Y dont u want me in there." "No reason." I said. "Fine" I said. We went up stairs. I went to my room. I got a small, not to small, backpack. I told him what to get. I saw him open the droor where my sketch book is in.

        "What's this" He asked picking up the book. "Nothing" I said. And tried to get it but he moved. He opened it. "Is this yours" He asked. "Yes" I said. "Now give it back" I said still trying to get the book. "These are amazing. Y would u want to hide this from me" He asked. "Cuz I'm not good at designing" I said. "Then why are these amazing" He asked. I smiled. "U saw it now give it back" I said. He gave me the book. "Got everything u need" He asked. "Yes" I replied.

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