Chapter 4

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I went in and saw Evie and Wenda looking through my stuff. "OK, guys. Ur not going to find the key" I said. "Um, what are u talking about" Wenda asked. Wenda started playing with a strip of her hair, which was a sign when she was lying. "Wenda, ur playing with a strip of ur hair. I know ur lying" I said. She stopped quickly. "The only person who knows is Carlos, and he promised he wouldn't tell what the book is or show where the book is. He also knows where the key is and he promised not to tell anyone too" I said. "Well I better get going. " Evie said. She ran out after.

" Its getting Late, shouldn't u go off to sleep" Wenda asked. I look at the clock and its 6 pm. "Its 6, I dont sleep til 9" I replied. She laughed nervously. I sat where my desk was. I started thinking. I think the worst is yet to come. I just sat there. I went to my dresser and did my night makeup. I put my hair into a messy bun. I put on some cute PJs. And I took a picture and post it on Instagram. The caption was 'night guys love u. And if ur with someone who doesn't love u or if he is thinking of another girl leave their ass quick.' I turned off my phone.

I plugged in the charger and let it sit on my dresser. I laid down on my bed. I was thinking about how my life would be if I was on the isle rn. I was closing my eyes slowly. And I fell asleep. I wake up the next morning thinking Evie would be looking for the key. But she wasn't there. Wow, ever since she found out she has been going crazy about the key. I looked in the droor and I saw the safe book. I opened it up and took one key out.

I put the book back in the droor opened.(by the way its spelled drawer but it might sound like I am a drawer so I put droor) The droor was open with the book inside. The book was open too. I looked at the key for a quick second. And before I could bend down to get the box, Evie came in. Great. "Oh, ur" She paused. "Awake" "yea, why wouldn't I be" I said. She turned away so I put the key back in the safe book. And I saw her turn back and I closed the droor quick and hard. "Well, i guess I better go" Evie said.

(Evie's POV)
I turned away but I saw Flair moving. I shifted my eyes to the left. I saw her put the key in the droor. I looked back at her and she closed the droor quick and hard. I had an idea. I am going to find out what is in that box. Once and for all. "Well, I guess I better go" I said. I walked out. Then I ran to Mal's and my dorm. I went in. "Mal, I need u to take flair shopping. " I said. " Y " She asked. "Cuz I need to see what's in her box." I replied. "What box" She asked. "A box, with her isle clothes and some kind of book she won't show us. She says only Carlos knows about it and he won't say anything. The box is locked and I think I might know where the key is" I answered.

"Ew, but E. U know I hate shopping. " She said. "Ik, plz. I have to find out what that book is." I say. I put on the puppy dog eyes on my face. "Put it away, E" She said. I didn't stop tho. "Ugh, fine" She said annoyed. "Yay" I said and ran to hug her. "Take as long as Flair wants. Because she might be shopping for a while" I said. Then Mal had that look on her face that said 'Ugh, I hate this, y me'. She left and I think I had to wait about an hour. So I just sat on my bed reading a fashion magazine.

I waited for an hour and I left my dorm. I went to Wenda and Flair's dorm. The door was locked. I had a bobby pin. I took it off my hair and used it to pick the lock. It finally opened. I went in and made sure Flair wasn't here. I went to the droor that she opened earlier. I opened it and saw a book. I didnt find a key, just a book. Then I kept looking at the book. "Y would she want a book. I guess I'll read it. " I said to myself. I got the book and sat on Flair's desk. I opened it and I say a key. "Oooohhh, a safe book. " I said. How did I not figure that in the first place.

So I got the key out of the book. I got the box from under the bed. I unlicked the box and took the isle clothes out and saw the book. I to one it out. It was a blue sketch book. Decorated on the front cover. I opened it and saw sketches. It was clothing and jewelry. These were awesome. I can tell that these are her sketches because I have seen her sketch a picture of me and Mal, and I have never seen these designs. I kept look through it. It had the dates when the sketches were made. I went to the last page. And she was getting better and better in every page she did. Then someone came in. Damn it. And it was...

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