42. Mark's Favorite Fangirl

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     Chica drops the box and paws at it, trying to get it to open. Mark appears alongside her, patting her back and picking up the box. He kneeled down before Amy and slowly opened it. Amy fiddled her fingers nervously. Emotions swallowed her whole. Chica began to wag her tail.

"We've been through so much together, and will be going through so much more," said Mark, acknowledging her (baby) bump. "Amy Nelson, I ask with all my heart, will you marry me?"

His eyes grew wide as he waited for an answer.

"What about Jackie?" she whispered, heartbroken.

"She's just one of those crazy fangirls," he answered. "I had no intentions to kiss her. You're the only fangirl I want to kiss."

Amy felt herself blushing. She warmly hugged him.

"Of course, I will marry you," she said, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

He took the ring out of the case and slid it onto Amy's left hand ring-finger. She stared at it. Amy was completely overwhelmed with happiness.

"It's gorgeous," she said in awe.

"It's one hundred percent diamond," he said.

"What?!" she mouthed with surprise.

Mark smiled.

"Also, my mother wants us to have dinner at her house to celebrate. She's making my favorite, enchiladas. You okay with that?" asked Mark.

"Yeah, enchiladas sound perfect."

Amy didn't mean what she said, she didn't want enchiladas, but she was thrilled to meet Mark's mother.

"Do you want to head over there now?" he asked.

Amy smiled and said, "Yeah, let's roll."

Mark and Chica started making their way towards the car, Chica's tail still wagging. Amy poked her head back into the house and said bye to Signe.

"I had no idea, I'm so sorry for not understanding," said Amy, apologetically, being the sweetheart that she is.

"Oh, Amy, don't apologize. It was meant for you to not understand at first. Congratulations!"

"Thanks," smiled Amy.

Amy closed the door behind her and started towards the car. Mark rolled his window down.

"ENCHILADAS!" he yelled, Chica accompanying him with a short howl.

Amy laughed hysterically as she entered the front seat of the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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