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We got home and my parents said there was a surprise for me.How can they be angry and have a surprise? weird hey.

When we got in the house i took my shoes and jacket.

"so what was my surprise?" i ask "well okay" my mum says.

"kom ner!" my mum shouted.

Oh god im getting a robot intressting, cause if the thing can hear what my mum said then its a robot.

"hej felix" the thing which was not a robot says and i see that its........


"felix arent you gonna say hi?" my mum askes in english cause elin doesnt understand english.

"yeah..sure" i said and went to her and hugged her she didnt wanna let go.BIATCH. not my fault.

I let go and she kissed me.Euww.I dont want a kiss.

"i can see you guys can go and continue that in your room felix" my mum says.

Does she want a punch in her damn face or what?.

Then my mum does that sign to say that i must take her to the room now.

Ugh i take her to the room.

"så felix vart var vi?" she asked and started kissing me again, she kissed me on the neck and started taking of my shirt, but they im smart so i didnt let her.

"vad? är det nåt fel?" she asked.

Ofcourse there is something fucking wrong but with you you just tried to take my shirt of.

"umm nejj det är bara att jag måste till skolan imorgon så jag ska försöka sova nu förlåt nån annan gång, jag lova....älskling" i say.

Lier lier pants on fire.

I think she thought the same thing but you now what Idc.

"men felix hela tiden, aja sov då vi ses imorgon i skolan" she said.

heuw!atleast i get to prepare myself for isabella

.Wait! did she just say at school?

i turned to face her and asked "ska du börja i skolan imorgon?" "jadu.det ska jag" she says and goes to the bathroom.



After all that i was in my room and my sister came in and said "dad said i shiuld watch you at school, but i am not gonna do it because i have better things to do"  and went out.

That was spretty fast.

I sat on my computer watching netflix and stuff.

Untill i felt that someone was watching me from my window so i just put of the computer and ran to my bed as fast as i could and hid under the blancket.

I heard someone open my balcony door.

Im gonna get kidnapped and then rapped and then killed, and then go to hell for being silly to my dad.

The person came in and said "you did not think that you were gonna act to sleep so you dont come out with me did you?" the person asked.

Familiar voice.

I got out of the blanket and saw.....

I saw Felix.He was so cute wearing pyjamas.Omg..

And i was also wearing pyjamas.I got out the blanket and stood up "you scared me felix really i was gonna get a heart attack" i say.

"oh our pyjamas have the same drawings on" he says

Yes it did! How cute! It was little monkeys jumping his was blue and mine was puple.

Fancy fancy.

"so lets go" he said.

"felix im tired" i say "well shame on you, because there not such word as tired in my world so lets go" he says and we head out.

He is just so cute and nobody can stand his face its just tooooo cute.

Now we are outside with pyjamas and drizzling.

"felix its drizzling " i say " well who said we cant walk under the rain " was his answer.

We walked an talked about everything and nothing.

"come lets sit here " He pointed at a place where we could sit.

We went and sat.

It was quite but not that awkward quietness but the peacefull one you now what i mean.

And felix decided to break it, thank you so much for that felix.

" so did i tell you about my girlfriend in sweden that i didnt break up with before coming here " he said " no but i knew that " i said "

" how did you. ..-" " yea i heard you talking on the phone and you just didnt want to say  babe or whatever words you guys use in your relationship" i say.

"oh so you now" he aske "i know" i say and smile but i was gonna cry, acctually my heart was already crying.

"youre stong bella really strong" i say in my heart.

"umm she is here my parents brought her with" he say.

"What?? i mean great must be nice to...have your girlfriend back.But felix i gotta go i dont know if my dad is looking for me or something so i have to go" i say

I stood up and wanted to go.

"wait why all of a sudden you are freaking out,hey and she is starting at our school"

he says.

"frek, no i mean good then...maybe we can become friends bye felix" i say and started walking.

But i felt two hands grab my hand and turn me around.

The rain strted pouring harder and i just felt felix lips on mine, bkgjdhsbdjzbfb, perfect day of my life, but......

"will that make you stay?" felix says

"unfortunately no i have to go" i say.

I walked away and went home.


Uhhhh thet was the best kiss ever but what about elin? what do i do with her?.

Fuck this is hard!

I walked all my way home and find elin sitting and ...it looks...like she is waiting for me.

"vart har du varit jag letade efter dig babe" she says, just dont call me babe.

"jag måste sove" i say and went on my bed and just layed on my stomach and act like im sleeping but i was thinking of that kiss.




SOME WAY TO LOVE YOU (the fooo fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora