He then turned to look at the three remaining guests.. Ada, Freddie and their son Karl.

After clearing his throat, he wandered over to them and held his hand out, "as of today all the problems we had in the past are now forgotten about. I can see you make my sister happy and I thank you for that."

Freddie stood up and smiled as he shook Tommy's hand, "all forgotten about. We have to put our ladies and children first from now on."

"Of course." Tommy nodded before turning to look at Victoria, whom was standing behind the seat at the head of the table with Timothy in her arms. "And thank you for inviting everyone around."

"It is lovely to see you all." He nodded as he moved to the other end of the table standing behind his chair, looking down the table at all the food that had been prepared for them.

Both Tommy and Victoria both sat down in their seats at either end of the table.

Polly picked up her fork and lightly tapped it against her glass of water, "as one of the oldest members of the family around this table, I would just like to say that I am very happy to see all of the family around one table together. Family is the most important thing anyone could have."

They all picked up their glasses and raised them slightly in agreeance to what she had said.

"Before we go on and eat this lovely food that Victoria has prepared for us, I have an announcement to make." Tommy smiled as stood from his seat.

They all watched in slight confusion as he pulled out a folded sheet of paper from his pockets.

"This is a certificate of a name change, making our Timothy an official Shelby. So, I would like to introduce you all fully to our son, Timothy Owen Shelby." He smirked as he unfolded the paper holding the certificate out.

Tears began to fill up Victoria's eyes as she glanced down at their son in her arms, his eyes closed shut as he slept.

The rest of the family began to clap their hands in celebration to the news.

Although Timothy would have always been known as a Shelby, this mean't that he was a Shelby in the eyes of the law, an official.

"That is great news!" Arthur nodded with a smile.

A light chatter began to grow amongst everyone as they all spooned some of the cooked food onto their plates.

Victoria and Ada both stood up as they carried their sleeping babies into the other room where their moses baskets were placed.

"I'm so glad that you made it, Karl is a bonny lad, definitely will have all the girls after him." Victoria smiled laying Timothy down.

"Thank you so much for inviting us, it gave those boys of ours a chance to become friends again." Ada chuckled shaking her head as she laid Karl down in the basket beside the other. "We have such beautiful babies, they take after their mothers."

Both ladies erupted into a light chuckle as they looked back at each other.

As the laughter calmed itself down, they both started walking back to where they came from.

"Oh my good golly! I am parched!" Victoria stated with a smile before walking back to her seat at the end of the table.

Everyone around the table let out a soft chuckle at her comment as they continued to dig in, piling their plates up with different foods.

Time passed in a comforting silence as everyone filled their stomachs, the only sound coming from Arthur, who let out a soft moan with every bite he had taken, seemingly forgetting how good the food was each time.

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