Kendrick got in the passengers seat next to me.

"You ready?"

"Ready like always man."

I nodded and pulled out of the garage. Following the directions the GPS gave me.

She lived about 20 minutes away. Which actually wasn't bad. Usually they are 30 minutes to an hour away.

We arrived and pulled up into her driveway turning the headlights and car off.

All the lights in the house were off and it was silent.

Kiestin's POV:

We had decided to get out and do some random stuff before we went home.

When we did get home it was 4:30 we just sat in the living room and watched movies. I know Tatiana was trying to keep my mind off things, but it just wasn't working.

I sat and watched like 5 movies with her and it was now 10:55

"Tia I'm going to bed. You can stay up if you want, but I'm tired."

"Okay girl. I think I will go to bed too. Do you want me to sleep in your room or the guest room?"

"Ummm you can sleep in the guest room so you're comfortable." I smiled at her.

"Okay. Night girly!"

"Night Tia."

I made sure everything was locked before I went upstairs to my room.

I grabbed my pajamas and put them on.

I left my bedside lamp on, but turned every other light off. I didn't want to be in complete darkness.

I kept a kitchen knife under my pillow just in case something were to happen. I mean at this point anything could happen.

It didn't take long for me too fall into a nice peaceful sleep.

Jason's POV:

"Alright Kendrick let's go." I whisper as we quietly got out of the car.

"Jason how are going to get in? Everything is locked and we can't make a huge commotion."

"Follow me."

I walked to her front door and pulled out a small metal pick lock tool.

I shoved it in the doorknob and I heard a click. "Bingo." I grinned at Kendrick.

I slowly turned the knob and quietly walked in.

I knew exactly where her bedroom was because of when we brought her here last time.

We silently walked through the house and up to her bedroom door.

We opened it and Kendrick closed it behind him.

She was sleeping with her back facing us. That'll help us out a lot.

We slowly walked towards her and I stood behind her. Kendrick stood on the other side of her bed.

I brought my hand around and placed it over her mouth. Her eyes shot open.

I could just see the fear in them. Oh how I lived on fear.

"Don't scream." I whispered to her.

She started to squirm and Kendrick grabbed her legs to help hold her still.

I went to grab her hand when I saw it slide under her pillow and before I knew it she had taken a knife and made a deep cut on my arm.

I mentally cussed at the pain and hissed, but refused to move my hand from her mouth. I grabbed the knife with my freehand and held up it to her neck so she knew not to move.

"Well that backfired didn't it?" I smirked at her.

"Aye man where's the shot? We are going to need it." I saw Kendrick pull the shot out of his pocket and he tossed it to me.

At this point I had blood running down my arm.

She wasn't moving anymore because of the knife. She was now crying instead.

I took the shot and jabbed It into her neck.

She winced in then I could slowly see her eyes become heavy.

It didn't take long for her to completely close her eyes. When she did I removed my hand from her mouth and told Kendrick to grab her.

I picked up the knife and shot and brought them with us.

We got back outside and Kendrick put her in the backseat.

"Kendrick man, your going to have to drive." I was getting first aid kit out of the trunk and got in the passengers seat.

"Ight let's go."

I grabbed something to wrap my arm up to stop the bleeding until I could get actual medical attention.

"Jason what time do we need her back."

" after what she pulled I have half the urge to go ahead and keep her, but that'll take the fun out of everything. What we do to her should only take about an hour and a half so let's try to get her back there by 4:00 AM."

"Got ya Jason."

"Oh and Kendrick. "Our special" is definitely going to be special since she decided to pull that stunt."

He smiled while watching the road.

"Let the fun begin."


Okay last time I'm updating till next weekend. Sorry guys I have a lot going on. I know it's short and I'm sorry :( If I can I will try to update before next weekend, but no promises. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Oh and Happy Easter!!

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Much Love!!💜💜





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