Flora walked back to her room with the photo and ran into Max as she was leaving, the dorm. "Flora, I was just looking for you, are you alright?" Flora nodded as Max followed her back to her room. Max saw the large photo she was holding and her eyes widened, it was absolutely beautiful. "I'm fine, my wrist hurts from carrying this thing but I'm good, were you going somewhere?" Max nodded waving her out of the room.

"Breakfast with the friend from yesterday, do you want to come?" Flora nodded knowing exactly who she was talking about, she didn't realize Max knew Chloe. The two took the bus to the Two Whale's Diner that Flora had heard so much about. They took a booth in the back and Joyce walked up to the pair. "Flora and Maxine Caufield, what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you beautiful young ladies here?" Joyce said pouring out coffee for the two girls.

"Coming by to get your amazing waffles," Max said smiling at her former second mom, it felt so good to see a Joyce after 5 years. She still looked exactly the same from the last time she had seen her. Joyce walked away after taking Max, and Flora's orders leave the girls alone. Flora enjoyed the comfortable silence and smiled at her friend. After waiting a few more minutes Joyce came back to the table with two plates, one with waffles and other with eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Thank you so much, Joyce, I can't wait until this is in my belly," Flora said digging into her food. "I still can't believe you're a woman when I look at pictures of Chloe..." Max mentally laughed with she noticed Chloe walk into the diner, of course, she would come in when we mention her, she thought. "Speak of the devil," Flora looked up from her food and noticed Joyce and Max looking at someone behind her. "Oh shit, what is Flora doing here?"

Chloe hopped on the seat beside Flora as she stole a piece of bacon from her almost empty plate. "So let's talk about your superpower or does hotness over here not know the scoop?" Max chuckled at Chloe and looked over at a very confused Flora. "Is this what you were trying to tell me yesterday before Nathan went all crazy on us?" Max nodded and Chloe relaxed back in the booth.

"Max here says she has the power to rewind time and space, and I'm not sure that I believe her so she has to prove that she is the time master," Flora looked over at Max and made a face, she wasn't too sure if she believes Max either or did she just take some bad drugs. She was acting really weird yesterday during and after Mr. Jefferson's class. "Hmm, I can tell you everything that you have in your pockets Chloe and everything you have in your purse Flora," Flora and Chloe exchanged looks before nodding and going through their things before looking back at Max.

"Ok Max impress us," Max made a smiled at Chloe and nodded. "Ok, you have keys with a little robot panda keychain, cigarettes and seven to be exact, eighty-six cents, and a parking ticket that was issued at the 10: 34 am. Flora, you have ruby red matte lipstick, brand is NYX, your cell phone with a bejeweled design of a heart on the back with two of jewels missing on the inner heart, your Marilyn Monroe Wallet that has a small tear on the side, and a Rachel Amber missing person flyer," Max said relaxing back in her seat.

Flora poured out her purse on the table and freaked out mental when Max was right, she looked over at Chloe who shared her same freaked out look before looking back at Max. "Amazeballs, I literally just got chills all over my neck. You have powers," Flora put her things back in her purse as Joyce walked over with a plate of food for Chloe. "Take that crap off the table," Chloe rolled her eyes as she put everything back in her pockets.

Flora was still confused by her friend at her weird ability to rewind time, she pulled out the flyer of Rachel Amber and looked it over before looking back at Max. Maybe there was still time to save Rachel if she went back in time. "Hello, Earth to Flora. Are you good or do you need to go lie down?" Chloe asked her spaced-out friend. Maybe she was having another one of her episodes, Chloe thought looking Flora over.

Fantasy or Reality (Life is Strange Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now