Before Tommy could reply, Victoria let out a breath before continuing to express her feelings. "You're a spineless coward, you claim that family is the most important thing in the world, yet you're all going off for what you claim is business when you're supposed to be here with us! I guess my son and I are not part of your family like we thought we were. But don't worry, I'm going to go to Polly's earlier than originally planned, that way you can have all your hookers and prostitutes around while I'm away. Plenty of time for you to get your end away, because we both know while I look as big as this I'm far from attractive!" She spat, her eyes already filling with tears. She knew deep down that what she was saying wasn't true, but the anger on top of her hormones were sending her out of control with rage.

She picked up the packed bag that she had dropped and quickly walked out of their bedroom and down the stairs, the click of her heels against the wooden floor echoing throughout the room. Tommy hurriedly walked out after her, leaving his shirt unbuttoned. Hearing the love of his life talk about him being with other women turned his stomach, but part of him did know that she didn't really mean it.

"Don't go, Darling." He whispered softly, his voice filled with emotion as he watched her lay Timothy down in his pram, laying the packed bag on the basket underneath it. "When you finally realize and figure out what is important to you, then you can come to me, until then I don't want to see you!" Victoria shrugged before she pulled the front door open, pushing the pram out of the door, leaving the door open behind herself as she walked down their garden path.

Tommy remained in the doorway as he watched her walk down the street and out of sight. He couldn't deny that hearing her cruel words did break his heart, but he knew that pushing her away and all this pain would only benefit her in the end.

Victoria quickly wiped away the stray tear that had escaped as she pushed Timothy's pram down Watery Lane, ignoring all the concerned looks that she received from those that she walked passed. When she eventually arrived at Polly's cottage, she pushed the front door open and pushed the pram inside. She then let out a content sigh as she realized that there was no sound throughout the house, knowing that no one was home for a few hours meant that she had some peace and quiet, even if it was for a short while.

Days had passed by and Victoria still hadn't stepped foot out of Polly's house, despite Polly's efforts to get her out for some fresh air. When the rest of the family were over, she stayed inside her room so that she didn't have to face them, which is something they had grown to understand. However, after the stressful last few weeks that she had gone through, Victoria was enjoying the time to rest and to be close to her beloved son.

Timothy's birthday had approached upon the expecting mother quicker than she would have imagined, the realization that she would be the only one there to celebrate his special day filled her with a deep sadness. But she wasn't going to allow herself to mope around, she had to make it the best first birthday her small boy could ever ask for.

She had slipped into a sleeveless baby blue floral dress, it also had an elasticated band just under her chest like all her dresses. Victoria then pulled on her cream coloured cardigan to keep her warm from the light breeze outside. She then sat down at the dressing table and lightly blushed on some blush across the apples of her cheeks and ran her dark red lipstick across her lips. The young mother then smiled at herself before walking to the cot that the small boy slept in, she then woke him up and gave him a soft giggle.

"Are you ready to go and see Uncle Daniel?" She cooed as she picked the smiling birthday boy out from his cot, he then let out a loud squeal as she held him up in the air with a smile. Victoria then laid the giggly boy down on her bed, taking his night wear off and laying it to the side. She then held up the outfit that she had specially picked out, a small white button up shirt, smart grey pants that had been rolled up at the bottom, black braces (suspenders) to hold his pants up and a smart grey jacket. When she first tried the outfit on him, she was shocked at how much Timothy had begun to look like his father, it was only fitting that he wore his smart clothes to visit his uncle.

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