A pissed off BigBang

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Jisoo( change her name ) : OPPA !
Seungri: what is it sweetheart?
Jisoo: jimin is crying
GD : WHAT?! What happened?
Jisoo: on her Snapchat someone added her and she had no clue who he was . He said that he's an expelled student from school in another country.
GD : my poor cousin
Daesung: is she okay now ?!
Olympa: yeah she is ...But if someone does that again I will hack and find them and smack them TO THE CHINESE NEW YEAR!
Taeyang: damn olympa
Olympa : what? She's my twin sister , no one hurts my sister unless they want to get soccer punched in the face
Victoria: honey? We got it 👌🏼😑😬 and YAH SHES MY TWIN TOO!
Jimin: jimin is a loveable person hehehe
Daesung: she's now another Chen
Victoria: Chen is funny ❤️oppa is funny
Taeyang:....I'm not funny ?
Victoria: of course you are , you my favorite our of all five of you
Daesung: am I anyone's favorite?
Jisoo: Olympas
Daesung:❤️ I'm loved
Seungri: what about me ?
Victoria: jimins
TOP: Hey!
Victoria: she's likes seungri, GD , and top , but she likes GD and seungri more and our oldest sister likes top and taeyangs girlfriend then most
Top: I feel loved for once
Top: .........I love you ?
GD: T_T 😭😭😭😭😓😨 you already forgotten I'm Dating you pabo!
Seungri: oh boi
Daesung: well someone is on their period
GD : 😑😑😑😑
Jisoo: are they always like this
Taeyang: yes and half of the time I'm dragged into it
Horyin: my poor baby
Yoogeun: JIMIN
Jimin: yoogeun!
Yoogeun: I heard jiyong hyung yell , is everything okay ?
Jimin: yes it is
Seungri: just GD being a diva
Seungri: mwo? It's true !
Top: he has a point babe
GD : .......So I am a girl?😭
Top: we will talk more about this later when no children are understand
Seungri: O_o!?

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