Triple Date? Or not? Chapter Five

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^^my little Gilly in the photo =3 anyway more notes at the end of the book,
Viktor's POV
     I walked out the front doors of HU looking for Mr. Ji (Guang Hong) and lucky for me he was right outside the front doors, he was holding hands with Mr. Iglacia (Leo) aww young love~
     "Excuse me, Mr. Ji, but you forgot your assignmen-" The boy in front of him turned around, revealing that it was Yuuri, I smiled
and waved at him, his face flushed bright red, he's so cute~ "Hey Yuuri~" he just waved back "not even a 'hey' so cruel" I fake pouted.
     "Hey Vic- Mr. Nikiforov" Yuuri smiled, he looked so perfect in this light. I turned back to Guang Hong,
     "Oh yeah- here you go Mr. Ji you're French assignment was left in your desk" I handed him his papers.
     "Oh thank you Mr. Nikiforov I apprec-" I cut him off
     "You're welcome, so Yuuri~ we still on for tonight?" I smirked hoping he'd understand what I meant, even though we didn't actually make plans... He seems like the person who would be oblivious to these kind of things.... Let's hope-
     "What do you mean?" Yuuri responded just as I expected. I smirked and moved closer to him, making him blush, I wrapped my arms around his neck and- wait no, I can't do this I'll get fired.... I moved my arms away form his neck and whispered in his ear,
     "You seemed to handle earlier quite well, we can pick up where we left off~" I quickly kissed his jawline and slipped a paper with my address and phone number in his pocket before pulling away hoping noticed. Yuuri's face went even brighter than before. "So dont forget to hand you're papers in tomorrow," I winked and left waving at everyone but just looked at Yuuri as I left, hm I wonder what they were all doing together.
Yuuri's POV
Still blushing I turned to everyone, they all looked shocked as Phichit just smirked and asked;
     "What was that about?" I know he knew the answer, I just shook my head brushing off the question but still responded
     "Sorry guys but I've uh got a thing tonight can't join you on that date"I ran away before anyone could respond to me I ran to my dorm room and hugged my Anime body pillow, and got out my phone to add Victors number and added his address into my notes. I changed his contact name to
Because...why not and Vitya sounded cute~ I smiled to myself and debated texting him or not... Is it too early, what harm could it do? I messaged him

Me: Hey Viktor its Yuuri,
Vitya: Hey Yuuri~ texting me already?
Me: Be quiet I just wanted to ask when you'd be finished doing whatever it is you do after class
Vitya: that would be now Yuuri~ Couldn't wait to come over could you~ <3
Me: just... You know what because of that I'm not coming over
Vitya: Noo, please Yuuri~
Me: no- UGGH fine but only because I want to

Victors POV
Me: Noo, please Yuuri~
~Future bf deleted a message~
Me: I read that~
Future bf: fine I'm coming
     'Yay, I can't wait~ but house is a mess' I thought to myself before running around my house cleaning and picking up everything I could find in the floor before Yuuri came. I heard a knock on the door so I just threw the pile of clothes on my couch into the hall closet.
     "COMING!" I yelled rushing to the door after slamming the closet door shut.
A/N YAY I can't wait to write next chapter~ but for now I've gotta leave this here so hope you enjoyed it and are as excited about next chapter as me~ Also sorry it's so short
Word count: 651

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