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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


It was kind of easy to defeat the guy. That doesn't mean I didn't get any major bruises because of it. I felt weak and at a lost for blood but eventually the jerk turned into golden dust. And then I collapsed, meaning I basically passed out. I could hear/see Annabeth running towards me before I fell to the ground. And that's the last thing I remember.


When I woke up, I was in a bright white room on a bed. I figured it was possibly a type of hospital. The room wasn't empty like I had expected it to be. Annabeth was there, sound asleep in a chair and Bella was pacing around the room like a maniac. I groaned, trying to catch her attention. She turned towards me with an angered look.

"You cant kill me cause I saved your life," I blurted out.

She glared at me. "You owe me an explanation, water boy," he said angrily.

"If I wasn't in pain already, I would be hurt by that," I said, with a roll of my eyes.

She sighed. "Percy," she pleaded.

I sat up in the bed a little. "I'm a demigod," I started.

"That's obvious," she replied, with a roll of her eyes.

"Let me finish impatient one," I replied, "anyways..."

And then I told her everything. From me arriving to camp halfblood to meet Annabeth to meeting Rachel to defeating Kronos to meeting the romans and then Piper, Jason, Leo and then to defeating Gaea and then to Leo's return and now to here. I gave her a very short version though. When I was finished, she was beyond shocked.

"Wow," she murmured.

"Yep," I said, "I love my life."

"So, your father is Posedion," she stated.

"Mhm," I nodded.

"And your a hero??" she asked again.

"Yes," I stated.

"Wow," she said again.


I knew Percy was crazy and a little on the off side but I never would have guessed he was a demigod. Or a hero for that matter. He saved the world twice and I only saved it once. Hmm. I'm kind of a hero too I guess. Cool.

"That's really cool and really dangerous and so stupid," I blurted out.

"I thought the truth thing wore off because its a new day," Percy said.

I glared at him and crossed my arms. "It did!" I shot back.

"Oh," he said, "well I guess you right about all of those things. Ha. ha." He looked queasy.

"Swear on the river of Styx you wont tell anyone," he made me promise.

"I swear," I replied. He relaxed more and thunder rumbled outside for some reason.

"What does that even mean?" I asked him.

"If you break your promise, you will die," he replied simply.

"Wow," I said. "That's great," I also said sarcastically. He nodded cheerfully. He looked like one of those little kids when he did that. What did I see in him? Besides his sea green eyes, jet black hair that makes me swoon. Okay maybe I do kind of like him. But he likes Annabeth and I'm okay with that. Plus, Ill find someone one day. Hopefully. Sigh. Nope.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now