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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


I woke up and immediately took a bath. The water refreshed me but I turned into a merman. This was going to get annoying. I scrubbed my tail, which wasn't easy at all, and then scrubbed my torso. I rinsed off and then removed all the water from my body. I turned back into human again thankfully. I put on some black shorts and a blue t shirt with some black shoes. It was 92 degrees outside. Right when I stepped outside my room I gasped. I could not deal with this. What if I started to sweat? Would I turn into a mermaid?

I didn't have school today but I figured I may as well stroll the town. I put my hands in my pocket and checked out a few shops. Then I went inside this breakfast shop. There was a menu with all types of stuff and they had blueberry pancakes. I grinned and turned around. There were many people in the shop. But my eyes stopped on two people.

I clenched my fists. Annabeth was sitting at a table with another guy. He had jet black hair and glasses. He was wearing a white shirt and some khaki shorts. Annabeth had on a white short and some black shorts. Her hair was down. She looked beautiful. I was pissed that she was sitting next to that guy. And they had the audacity to laugh!

Anger coursed through my veins but they settled own when I saw her. Bella. She was at a table alone, reading a book. She had on glasses too. Lol. I purposely walked by Annabeth and that guy and saw Annabeth mood not change. She was pretending like I wasn't even there. I sighed and sat down by Bella.

"Didn't know you were a book nerd," I said to her.

"Didn't know you were an annoying jerk...oh wait...yes I did," she replied. I glared at her and she smirked back.

"Now why are you sitting here?" Bella asked.

We were sitting right across from Annabeth and that guy. But like, two tables over. "I can't spend time with my friend?" I asked her.

"Of course you can," she replied, "where is this friend of yours?" She started to fake look around and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Someone's got jokes today," I said to her with a glare. All she did was grin.

"Someone's got jealousy today," she replied. I widened my eyes and then let them fall back to normal. I cursed under my breath.

"Oh, I see," Bella said, "you're trying to use me to make Annabeth jealous?"

"That is a good idea," I said, "I like the way you think." She glared at me and returned to her book.

"Fine," she said, "I'll help. But your paying." I nodded in agreement.

"Pinkie promise," she said. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Isn't that for first graders?" I asked.

"A pinkie promise is a soul binding experience and if you are to break that promise I will brutally hurt you," she replied.

She held out her pinkie. I sighed and wrapped my pinkie around hers and we shook. "Just don't get anything expensive," I said. She smiled.

"Now that I think about it," she said, picking up a menu, "that's exactly what I'll do. Hmmm 40 dollars, eh?" I glared at her.

"You wouldn't," I seethed.

"I would," she replied, "but Im feeling nice today. So you're lucky." I made a sigh of relief.

The waiter came and took our order. He winked at Bella when she ordered and I felt mad. I shouldn't though so I let it go. I would get him back though. When he returned, he gave us our food and gave a rose to Bella. I felt my fists clench under the table as Bella blushed. Then he walked away.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now