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When Percy woke up hours later,Nico was laying sideways with the back to him and Percy found his right arm holding Nico close.
he stayed in that position,slowly remembering what had happened.
His mind kept yelling at him what a good-for-nothing he was and how he was going to explain all this to Annabeth.
He loved her but somehow,no matter how many times they had done it in the past,it had never felt like this.
He had kissed her so many times,yet it had never felt this passionate.
It had never felt this...right.
The thing inside him purred again,teling him he should just stay with Nico forever.His mind on the other hand started swearing and told him to tell Nico off for seducing him like that.But could he really do that?Percy didnt know much about Nico,but he could tell it would crush him if Percy blamed him for what had happened.
Of course Nico had started it,but thinking back,it kind of had been Percy's fault for not leaving him alone.
Then again,if he had known how Nico had felt,he might not have forced himself onto him like this.
But what WOULD he have done if he had known how Nico felt?
Nico must have been so scared of him to find out about it.
He probably thought Percy would have started to avoid him and such.At this thought,his mind reacted with a 'But wouldnt you have started to avoid him?'
He couldnt answer.It felt so weird.
Would he really have avoided Nico for loving him?
Or would he still have been his old self,hanging around Nico just for the hell of it?
Would things have turned out this way still if he had known?He didnt know.
All he knew was that having sex with Nico had been the best thing Percy had ever done in his life.
Better than breathing underwater.Better than riding a Pegasus.Hell,it had been ever better than having sex with Annabth.
So much better.
He had never noticed there was something missing between Annabeth and him until this very moment.
It had been so hot,so messy,so passionate.
He could still remember how Nico tasted when he tongued him.
Still remember how his face had looked as he cummed.
And just thinking about it gave Percy a boner.
He had never felt this way with Annabeth.Not even with their first time.It had felt good,but never this amazing.Never this intense.
Percy stared at Nico's back.He had three possibilities.
One:He would tell Nico he loved Annabeth(as he did) and apologize for what had happened,break his heart and probably destroy their friendship,but would be with Annabeth who he was officially dating.
Two: He would act like nothing had happened and hope Nico did the same and maybe someday if Annabeth and he really didnt work out he and Nico might work out.
Or three: He lead Nico on even further and broke up with Annabeth,telling her the truth and looking for a way to make it work out for Nico and him.
His mind was in for the first option,the two one made him feel sick and the feeling in his stomach roared 'Dump Annabeth and take Nico!'.
Percy was ashamed of himself.How could he possibly have fucked up like this?
Why did he do it with Nico?He didnt love Nico.
Well...he did feel...something,but he didnt know exactly what it was.'It's love!' the feeling in his stomach toared again,but Percy wasn't sure.
It felt more intense but at the same time it didn't feel like what he had felt for Annabeth.
'What you STILL feel for Annabeth!" his mind corrected him.Percy sighed.
He was horrible.
No matter what he chose,he would still end up breaking ones heart.Either Nico's or Annabeth's.
'She always loved luke more than you anyways,' said the feeling in his stomach.
'You LOVE her!' his mind screamed at him.He squeezed his eyes together tightly and pulled Nico closer,putting his nose into the dark hair of the younger one.
This was all so complicated.A part of him wanted Nico,the other one wanted Annabeth.What was he going to do?
Nico could feel Percy pulling him closer,burying his nose in his hair.
The happenings from earlier still whooshed through his mind and he was glad Percy couldnt see his face now.
He had a grin on as if he had won in the lottery and at the same time tears were streaming down his face.
He was so happy,yet so hurt.
Happy about the son of Poseidon fulfilling his deepest wish of letting him at least feel once how being with him have felt like.
Hurt because he knew they had no future.
There was no way Percy would ever dump Annabeth.
They were like the best couple ever.It was as if destiny simply wanted them together.
Nico's heart clenched.Even though he would have never imagined Percy to cheat on her due to his loyal nature,he wasn't sure whether he should feel happy or shitty about it
He loved having sex with Percy.It had felt better than anything in the world
He had felt better than ever before.More alive.
He had loved every second of it.
But it was such a high price.If Percy decided to blame Nico for it,which he could only understand,given the circumstances under which everything had started,Nico knew he would have to leave for good.
There would be no friendship there anymore.
He would have to leave the ship,leave Percy,and never come back.
But even if Percy didn't blame him,there was no chance for Nico to stay friends with him .Everytime he'd see him he would recall what had happened here.
Recall how close they had been.And recall that they could never be.
There was no chance for him to be Percy's.Or for Percy to be his.
He would hate to let the green-eyed hero leave with the heroine and watch from afar,dreaming of what had happened and what could have been,always feeling that tinge of guilt inside.
The guilt that he had made love to a taken man
Truth be told,Annabeth and Nico didn't get along that great since they barely ever talked,but still it bothered Nico.
'This is what I've always dreamed of.Now that my wish has been fulfilled,I got to cope with the consequences.' He thought to himself and slowly got up,looking around at Percy who seemed to still be asleep.
Quietly,Nico put Percy's arm down and stroked through the older boy's dark hair.
Nothing had changed in the room-at least if one didn't consider the second door that was ajar on the other end of room.He looked back down at Percy,resisting the urge to give him a small kiss.
He looked so adorable.
His hair fell into his face,his eyes tightly shut,his muscles relaxed.His breathing even.
Nico could have stared at him for hours.
Instead,he bent down and whispered a soft "I'm sorry." and got up
It was his fault all of this happened.
Without another word he walked towards the door and looked through the gap.It seemed to lead back outside,judging from the brightness.
Come to think of it,somehow they had lost track of time,It seemed to always be day on this island.
Though of course that was hard to tell with being stuck in a room for around a day.
He tried thinking back on how long they had been on this island already,but somehow he wasnt even sure if it might not still be the very same day.
They hadn't really waited for sundown or anything but just walked around for hours and sleeping whenever they had felt tired.
He looked back at Percy who was still sleeping.
Should he wake him? Better let him sleep to avoid awkward converstation.
Nico took off his aviator's jacket and walked back to Percy,covering him with it.
Then he left through the door,leaving it open and securing it with a stone he found right outside so it couldn't randomly fall shut.
He looked around him,blinking at the brightness.It seemed to be an island alright.But completely different from the one they had been on.
Instead of a golden beach and weird trees,this beach was more out of rocks of all sizes and shapes.The water seemed darker and the air smelled different
He looked around him warily,always making sure the door was still close by.
But all he could see were stones and water.
"Weird place..." He mumbled.
Nico stood there for a while and stared off into space,the door an arm-length away from him.Even though he was lost in his thoughts,he still tried to not get distracted off the door.One could never know what would happen next.He wasn't sure whether he should go back inside to Percy.
He was worried what the older boy would say about their recent activities.
Worst scenario ever would be Percy apologizing or saying something like 'Let's forget about this whole thing.' Nico could never forget that.
Even with the guilt now eating him,he had still loved every single moment of it.
Percy's husky voice,his moans,the way he had said his name.
His body pressed against his own,his hands exploring Nico's body.
The way he had played with his nipples and smiled at Nico.
The way he had pushed into Nico
Nico blushed and instinctively touched his backside.
Percy had cum inside him.Even though Nico could feel some after effects of the whole situation(His whole body seemed extremely sore and he decided he wouldn't sit on his backside for the next couple of days) it still didn't bother him too much.
It was somewhat similar to how he had felt in the beginning of working out more and learning to fight.Just that he had much more pleasuring things to blame for the soreness.
Suddenly,there was a movement at the door.Nico jumped towards it,fearing it would jump shut,bu instead Percy stood in the doorway,looking at him surprised.
Nico stopped in his tracks and stared into those sea green eyes and lost the ability to speak
Percy stared at those beautiful brown eyes,reminding him faintly of one of those tiger-eye-gems he had seen years ago when the girls in school always wore different kind of bracelets and whatnot.He had feigned sleep earlier to see what Nico would do.Of course that was pretty low,even for Percy,but he simply hadn't had the courage to face Nico just then.
Face the convertstion.Face the decision he had to make.
Now he stood there in the doorway,staring at the boy and had somwhow lost his ability to talk.
He had thought of starting the whole thing with a nice calm 'Good Morning' and look how Nico would react and go on from there.
Nico was the first to break the eye contact.He cleared his throat and looked sideways,opening his mouth but closing it again a second later without saying anything.Then he shook his head,turned around and marched off towards the water.
"Hey...wait.."Percy called and followed the younger boy.His heart was beating so fast,yet he couldn't explain why that would be.
Nico kept shaking his head all the way to the water-then he ran into the invisible barrier and got knocked back.
Percy caught him under the arms,dropping Nico's jacket in the process.'Whoa,careful!"He muttered and tried to pull Nico up but the younger boy blushed so hard and tried to jump sideways out of Percy's grip that he fell to the ground completely.
"Ouch!" He yelped and got up,looking at the air in front of him annoyed while massaging his elbow he landed on."Are you alright?" Percy asked worried and stepped closer,but then Nico stepped backwards,looking at him with a mingled expression.
"Yeah..." He mumbled and kept looking at Percy as if he wasn't sure what to make of the older demigod.
The gaze made Percy slightly uncomfortable.He looked down and noticed Nico's jacket to his feet,picking it up and handing it to Nico slowly.
"Erm...thanks for that..." Percy tried and nodded at the jacket as Nico took it hesitantly.
"...You're welcome..."Nico replied slowly and looking at Percy,still with that weird expression on his face.
It reminded Percy faintly of a dog that did something wrong and was waiting for his beating.And then it dawned on him what Nico was waiting for.
"Nico...listen..." He tried but stopped.
He didnt even know what he wanted to say  himself.It was all so very confusing
His mind still yelled at him about breaking Nico's heart and how much he loved Annabeth,but that other part of him screamed back about how Nico had shown Percy what really should be.Nico had made Percy feel...different.More alive.More..whole.As if Percy had always known Annabeth and he did  not work out as perfectly as they had thought,because there was simply something missing.
Nico's shoulders dropped and he lowered his gaze.Percy's chest stung with guilt and grief.It hurt him to see Nico like this. So...heart broken.Had he always looked like that whenever he had seen Percy with Annabeth in the past?  He had never paid that much attention to Nico.  "Percy...let's just..." Nico suddenly spoke and Percy was torn out of his thoughts.Nico looked extremely uncomfortable and seemed to force himself to speak the following words."Let's just forget about what happened." Nico said in one breath and Percy's heart clenched painfully in his chest.He didnt know why,but suddenly he wanted to grab Nico and rattle him. Rattle him about being so unfair and cruel.Here he was,breaking his head to find the words,constantly thinking back to how amazing it had felt to be with (and in) Nico and what did the idiot do?  Hurt himself with his own words,telling him to forget about everything? Percy walked towards Nico and pulled him close into a hug.  He couldnt find any words to say. Nico didnt object,instead throwing his arms around the older boy and clinging to him,not saying a word either.Percy could feel his shirt getting wet from Nico's silent tears,but he didnt point it out. He just held Nico in his arms for like a while,staring off into space,lost in thoughts.When Nico let go of him slowly,avoiding to look at him,he patted the younger boy's head. "Let's talk about that whole thing later.We should go take a look around.You coming?" Nico nodded quietly,still not looking at Percy and followed the older teen through stony area.
For several hours(or so seemed it) they were just walking over stones and stones and even more stones.When they passed a rock Nico could have sworn they had already passed three times now,he stopped and Percy looked around."I think we are walking in circles." The younger boy said quietly,staring the rock to death. He still hadnt dared to look at Percy.He simply wasnt sure what to make of the whole situation.Percy hadnt really told him 'Oh no, I dont want to forget about it!" but he had also not said 'yeah sure,let's act as if it never happened.' Instead he had said they'd talk about it later.But when was later? Was Percy maybe thinking that the two of them could be together? Not likely.Maybe he just didnt want to make their stay here even more uncomfortable and awkward than it already was.Or maybe Percy was wondering whether they could make it off this island alive and didnt want to reject Nico before he didnt know he could return safely to Annabeth. "Yeah...probably..I wish the door would have lead us to a nicer place.Something with a nicer surrounding maybe?" Percy muttered and Nico  couldnt stop himself from looking at the older boy. He was kneeling down,putting stones on top of each other and watching them tumble down again while his lower lip stuck out a if he was pouting.Then he froze.
Percy looked up,noticing the sudden stiffness in Nico's body.The boy was staring at something behind Percy,his eyes wide open in surprise.He turned his head but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary."What are you looking at,Nico?" The younger boy looked at him surprised and nodded towards whatever he was looking at. Percy frowned and turned around,seeing nothing but a giant rock. "What?" Nico now looked slightly annoyed and pulled him over,making him look just past the giant rock.
Percy couldn't believe his eyes.Just past the giant rock he had looked at,one could see the other side of the island and there,at the water,was a giant wooden bridge.
They both looked at each other,both thinking the same.
They had been walking in circles all this time but that bridge had only just popped up. Definitely.
"This definitely got to do with magic." Percy stated and only now noticed how close their faces were,with Nico standing behind him and Percy leaning his head back. Of course the younger teen was a tad smaller than him,yet Percy was surprised to notice that this was the perfect height for kissing him. Nico nodded and seemed to notice the sudden change in atmosphere too,because he suddenly blushed and stepped away from Percy.
The two of them walked right through the middle of the island instead of sticking at the sides to prevent losing sight of the bridge and thus letting it disappear again.
They had no idea where it led,but maybe it was a way out. Or a way deeper into the maze- like something.
Seriously,some god was messing with them. And it seemed a right tyrant.
Who let people get stranded on magical islands with no way out,keeping them there at will and only letting them proceed every so often to another god forsaken island or locked rooms or whatnot.
When they reached the bridge,they stopped.
"What if the bridge suddenly disappears while we walk over it?" Nico asked warily,not fancying to drown. Percy shrugged. "Then I'll control the water and we'll have to swim for it,I suppose. "His said confidently,but added a 'Hopefully I can control this water' in his mind. Nico didn't seemed convinced. He was still eying the bridge nervously. Percy couldn't help but smile. "Come on,trust me. I'll get us to wherever it's going to take us."
He said reassuringly and Nico looked up. Percy stared into those enchanting brown eyes and felt a warmth in him he couldn't explain. Then Nico stepped onto the bridge. "Ok then,let's hurry before the bridge decides to disappear." Percy nodded and followed,wondering why the boy next to him suddenly had this weird effect on him.
Again,the walk seemed to take hours,yet the sun didn't move even the slightest bit. Percy tried to get in touch with the water every so often,trying not to let Nico notice. But so for without success. They still couldn't see a thing except the never ending bridge and the ocean. "You think we'll make it?" Nico asked in a conversational tone as if he was asking about the weather tomorrow.
Percy bit back an 'I have no idea. Hope so.' And nodded enthusiastically instead. "Of course we will. I'm sure it isn't far anymore. Hope it's a nice place though." He grinned and for a splint second he could swear he saw the ghost of a smile on Nico's face. Percy stopped dead in his tracks,staring at Nico.
The younger boy stopped as well and looked around at Percy,frowning. "What?" He asked and uncertainly showed in his big brown eyes. Percy blinked and shook his head,starting to walk again.
What was wrong with him?
"N-Nothing..." He muttered and Nico followed him anxiously,wondering what the son of Poseidon suddenly had.
Finally,they could see land. On the positive side,it looked like a nice big island with trees and what seemed like a house,which was a good sign they hoped. On the negative side,it was still so far away and they were kind of out of breath. It felt like they had spent at least a day on this bridge,walking and walking and walking,not daring to rest.
The sun was still mercilessly at its highest peak,not making it any easier for the two boys. Due to the wind on the sea it wasn't that hot,but still annoyingly bright and their sweat from exhaustion and heat turned icy on their skin,making them freeze rather than feel warm. Nico was lucky to have his aviator's jacket,but he was still glancing at Percy every now and then,who was only wearing a Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and looked like he was freezing like mad.
But he hadn't complained even once,instead seeming lost in thoughts and moving on. Nico could see the goose bumps on the older boy's arms and saw how his usually red lips had turned pale and blue.After what felt like another twenty minutes,he couldn't stand it anymore.
He stopped,making Percy stop as well and look at him quizzically,but Nico took off his jacket,ignoring the cold,and handing it to the other boy.
"Take it." He only said and Percy blinked,looking from the jacket to Nico. Nico's eyes narrowed,daring Percy not to take the offer and the older boy gave in.
"Thanks..." He muttered and put it on. When Percy looked at the younger boy,he could see a slight flush of red across his cheeks. "What?" Percy asked,looking down on himself.
Nico shook his head."Nothing... I was just thinking it doesn't look too bad on you..." He blushed even harder and started walking on. Percy couldn't help but find him adorable. Then he looked down at himself once more. The jacket wasn't his favorite style of clothing but he had to admit it felt comfortable.
Then he followed Nico,staring at his back for a while.
With only his t-shirt on,Percy could see so much more of Nico's shape than with the jacket. He was really rather skinny and pale,but for some reason Percy immediately recalled how Nico's skin had felt against his hands,making him blush and yearn to touch him once more.
He had been so soft and warm,the thought alone was driving Percy mad. He also had that weird craving to rip Nico's clothes off and look at him naked.
He had not seen much when they had their little make-out-session and was starting to regret not paying closer attention to those small details.
He also really wanted to see the face again that Nico had made when he had cum for the first time. And the way he had said his name...
Percy was blushing now and could feel his jeans getting tighter. He wondered vaguely if he had ever felt like this anytime he had thought of Annabeth,but he couldn't remember such a time. 'That is just because you have more than just a sexual relationship with her!' said the voice in his head annoyed.
'Rubbish!' It's because you only went with her because of the heat of the moment! You two were just the couple everybody had wanted to see and you simply gave them that without really feeling a thing!' said the voice inside him.
He shook his head wildly and concentrated back on the bridge he was walking on.

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