Safe with You

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Hi I have a request💕(hope yoy request are still open) Can you do a Jordan Parrish imagine where he has a nightmare (like every other night) but the reader is there for some reason, you choose one, and she comforts him and after that or the next morning they kiss cause they like each other Tag me when you'll do it so I can like it and tell you how much I loved it right away 😉💕 (Last thing, please do it cute but not too fluffy, I'm not really into fluff, I find it too unrealistic)

cute but not too cute, you got it babe! (well, i'll try)


It was a late night at the station, and my eyelids were becoming heavy. Being a part of the sheriff's department in Beacon Hills was rewarding work, but came with its share of paperwork. The stack on my desk had been finished hours ago, but the stack of papers for my partner had taken longer than expected. I knew Jordan's secret, and with all that's been going on in Beacon Hills, he needed a break. After twenty minutes of arguing with him, and reassuring him that paperwork was no big deal, he finally went home, hopefully to catch up on the sleep I could tell he'd been missing.

After filling out the last line and stapling the pages together, I rose from my desk and grabbed my keys. While sliding one of my arms through the sleeve of my coat, Sheriff Stilinski walks out of his office, ready to leave for the night as well, and says a quick goodbye while passing by. Just after passing Jordan's desk, he turns around and picks up the cell phone that was almost hiding underneath the keyboard. "This belong to Parrish?" he asked, holding it up for me to see.

"Yes sir, I believe it does. I'll drop it off at his place on my way home" I replied, zipping up the jacket I had put on. I grab my bag as he gives me a small nod, handing me the phone before joining me as I walk to the parking lot. A cold winter's breeze blew, and the few leaves that remained in the trees shook. I said a brief goodbye to the sheriff before getting in my car, making sure to turn the heat up as hot as it would go.

The drive to Jordan's house was quick, thoughts of him rushing through my mind. We've been partners for so long, I can't even remember when my feelings for him started to change. Ever since we'd been paired together at orientation at the police academy, we've been inseparable. We do everything together, he's my best friend, but over time my feelings began to change. The sparkle in his eyes made my smile grow, when he looked at me there were butterflies in my stomach, and just the thought of him could alter my mood. The more I thought of him, the more miserable I became. I could never have him. He was my partner. We were suppose to have each others backs, and keep each other safe, not fall so unwillingly in love that any sight of him turned a police officer, with a duty to protect, into a lovesick puppy.

I settled my mind before parking outside of his building, and taking a deep breath before getting out of the car. I walked up the steps, his phone in hand and reached his door fairly quickly. I've been to Jordan's apartment before but this time felt different.. Maybe because it was so late. I reached my hand out of my pocket and up towards the door when I heard a strange noise coming from inside. The groans of distress coming from the apartment startle me as I reach for the key Jordan had given me. As I push the key into the lock, a disconcerting yell comes from behind the door, causing my heart to drop. I unlock the door quickly before unholstering my gun. I quietly enter the doorway, silently shutting the door behind me before starting to sweep the apartment. I'd cleared every room except the back bedroom. I held the doorknob and gently pushed the door open.

What I saw was no intruder, but a very sleepy Jordan Parrish. He laid tangled in sheets, tossing and turning in his bed. I returned my gun to it's holster and let out a deep sigh. The expression on his face was one of discomfort, his brows furrowed and his forehead sweating. He mumbled in his sleep, somethings I couldn't make out, but then one word I could: my name. After that, he began to struggle more and more, his breathing sped and body moving erratically. I made my way to his bedside and laid my hand on his arm. "Jordan" I said, trying to wake him.

"Jordan" I began again, shaking his arm a bit, trying to pull him from whatever trick his mind had been playing on him.  After a few more unsuccessful attempts at waking him, I begin to panic. Without thinking, my legs are up and running to the kitchen. I grab the closest thing I could find and began filling in up with cold water under the sink. I bring the now filled bucket back to Jordan's bedroom and nervously dump the entire thing on his head (and maybe the bucket too). After realizing what I'd done, my heart rate sped and my eyes went wide as Jordan finally awoke from his dream, very confused, and very wet. His head snaps in my direction, his eyes filled with fire, but return to normal once they meet mine. "Y/N?" he asked, confusion covering his face, "what are you doing here?".

"You left your phone at the station and when I came to return it, I heard a yell from inside, I thought you were in trouble" I replied, gaze dropping to the floor.

"Then why exactly am I wet?". Shit.

"You were having a nightmare, and wouldn't exactly wake up any other way" I explained, voice low, and still avoiding eye contact. He looked at me and just nodded before standing. I helped him remove the now soaked linens from his bed and carried the empty bucket back into the kitchen. I hopped up to sit on the counter and waiting for him to come back from getting a spare set of sheets. Jordan entered the room, laying the new blanket he had on the counter opposite of me and stood quietly. After a few minutes of silence I decided to break the silence.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him softly. A few moments pass before he looked into my eyes, his kelly green eyes filled with sorrow. "They were about you" he confessed, "in every one I've had, it's always been you". I stayed silent, letting him speak freely, not wanting to push my bounds.

He looked at me once more, this time with disappointment. "I couldn't save you Y/N" he said, voice so low it was almost a whisper. He turned away from me and placed both his hands on the counter in front of him, letting his head fall in between his shoulders. The sight of him so disappointed in himself made my heart drop through my chest. I leapt off the counter and went to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at me.

"You don't have to save me" I whispered to him, my gaze shifting from my eyes to his lips, and back up again. I brought my other hand to his cheek before speaking again, "because I'm safe, right here with you". He slowly brought his face closer and closer to mine until my lips met his. Jordan's strong arms wrapping around my waist, deepening our already passionate kiss. When our lips separated, the look on his face was one of wonder. The small smile on his lips growing with every passing second, before laughing. I gave him a questioning look and he explained himself: "I've never been so happy to have someone splash me with water". He gave a laugh before he continued "if you could even call that a splash, I got soaked!".

"That was your own fault! Who even keeps a bucket in their kitchen?".

Jordan Parrish Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن