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Can I have 28 with Jordan, please. Also, I love your blog

#28: "This is why we can't have nice things."


Being with Jordan was one of the best relationships I'd ever been in. He's sweet, and caring and everything I could ever want. The only thing I do want is to spend more time with him. Being a part of the police department made him so happy because he can help people that way, but sometimes it can tire him out. Tonight, just like many others, Jordan came home later than usual. I could tell something was the matter the moment he walked in the door.

"Hey you, what's wrong?" I asked. After placing his keys in the bowl near the door, he came up to me and wrapped his strong arms around my body. "Nothing, now that I'm with you" he replied with a sigh of contentment. We stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the embrace we shared. I ran my fingers through the back of his hair and pulled away slightly to look into his kelly green eyes.

"Are you hungry? I made dinner earlier" I asked. I watched as his eyes turned a shade darker and a small smirk appear across his face. "I think I'm more hungry for something else" he replied, grabbing my waist with strong hands. He nips at my ear as I gave him a small laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pulled his mouth up to me, his lips meeting mine eagerly. We moved towards the bedroom, tongues still intertwined.

When the kiss broke, Jordan flashed me the biggest smile before tightening his grip on my waist and tossing me backwards onto the bed. The surprised yelp that escaped from my mouth caused him to giggle a bit before grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head and off of his toned body.

My mouth nearly watered as he crawled on top of me, bringing one of his hands to meet the side of my face. Immediately, my hands were on his body; running my hands down his arms and back, running my fingers through his soft hair. His lips met my neck and I couldn't let but let out a small moan. The kisses got more and more passionate by the second and things were starting to heat up.

I thought that is was the warmth between our bodies but no, it was literally heating up. Jordan pulled away from me quickly as he noticed what was happening, and I saw his amber colored eyes. He stood up from the bed, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him. I turned around to look at the bed and my eyes immediately were drawn to the long singe in the sheets. I looked to Jordan, and laughed "this is why we can't have nice things". We both stood at the foot of the bed, still heavily breathing from the strenuous make out session we just had, and laughed. I looked over to him smiling, as he asked "Do you think they make fireproof sheets?".

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