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Looking up, I smiled at the view in front of me.

The water glistened in the last few minutes of sunlight light for the day. The clouds were a beautiful variety of soft pinks and oranges. And the beach was completely empty, littered with footprints.

I sat on my towel, toes covered in sand, watching the sunset. It was peaceful. I wasn't thinking about anything. Just admiring the colours in the sky.

Some people say that watching the sunrise provides the most amazing feeling in the world, taking your breath away every time, one of the most magnificently beautiful things that you will ever see.

But I disagree. To me the sunset's breataking beauty is indescribable. It's highly underrated how truly incredible it is. The way that the clouds change colours as the sun falls further and further. The vibrancy of the oranges throughout the sky. The way the soft pink is mixed in with the shades of orange, swirling its way through the clouds.

But my favourite part of all is the way it reflects on the water. A single glistening beam of orange leading to the sun as if it were a pathway to paradise.

The wind gently blows my hair around my neck as I catch the last few moments of the sunset.

I smile to myselfand close my eyes. This is my happy place.

This is where I belong.

I gather my things and begin the short walk home.

After agreeing to start fresh with Luke, I feel hopeful. Everything just seems to be ok. And It finally feels like everything is working out and I'm going to be alright afterall.

Before I walk up the driveway, I take a look up into the dim sky at the quarter moon, smiling.

"I think I'm going to be ok dad." I whisper.

I walk through the door, yelling out to let mum know I'm home. I ditch my towel in the laundry before headin up to my room.

I check my phone, that I left on my beside table. I had 3 new messages from Calum.

C: I hear things went well at the hospital with Luke?

C:You should come to band practice tomorrow arvo :)

C:I checked with the boys, they're all good with it :D

I smiled at his offer, though part if me was hesitant. Considering what happened last time. What if Luke was only being nice yesterday because he was feeling well? He probably didn't even mean any of it.

I really have to stop second guessing myself. I need to toughen up and just accept the offer, they are my friends. And besides Calum said the boys were all good with it. I wish my brain would just shut the fuck up sometimes.

L: Yea it did go well I guess :) And that sounds like fun, what time?

I sat down on my bed and within a few moments Calum had replied.

C: Say 3?

L: Great! At yours right?

C: Yep, see ya then :)

I dumped my phone on my bed and wondered down the hallway. Towards the kids' rooms.

I leant against the doorframe of Sienna's room watching her play with Jake.

They were so happy, clueless to the world. Untouched and unharmed by its harsh realities.

I studied their faces. They both had dad's deep, dark blue eyes. In all honesty, I looked nothing like either if them. I had brown hair, whereas they had blonde. Their skin was more olive than mine. All in all they looked like dad and I looked like mum.

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