I'm ready!

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Time seemed to pass differently in Dean's room. He had a clock, but it had stopped working, giving the illusion that time was standing still. And it felt like it, too. It felt like you were out of reality's grasp and you could escape the truth.

Because of this, you had no idea how long you had spent cuddled next to Dean on his bed. You weren't sleeping, but he was; the steady rhythm of his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest made him look so peaceful, that you couldn't do anything but stare at him. He looked the same, but different. The worry lines on his forehead had gone, and his muscles had relaxed, making it seem that he was just an ordinary guy and hadn't gone through Hell- literally.

He looked happy.

And you could now call him yours.

A knock on the bedroom door made you flinch, waking Dean up. You silently cursed. "Sorry."

Dean stretched, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "S'okay," he mumbled.

"Dean! I've got something to tell you, but the door's locked." You heard Sam call out from the other side of the door. His voice sounded strained.

"Comin'!" Dean replied sleepily, and slid out of bed, crawling towards the door. He stretched out and fumbled for the lock, not bothered to stand up and do it properly. This made you giggle, despite all that had happened.

Eventually, Dean managed to unlock the door, and he crawled away just before the door could swing open to hit him. Sam walked in, raising an eyebrow as he saw you on his bed. Thankfully, he didn't ask any questions.

"Hey, Sam." You said, giving him a half-hearted wave.

"Hey." The younger Winchester nodded at you in greeting. He looked quite stressed, which made you feel uneasy. His bloodshot eyes had dark circles under them, and he was quite pale. He must have not slept. However, his eyes shone with determination.

Dean had managed to convince himself to stand up by now. "What is it, Sammy?" He was giving his little brother worried looks.

"While you two were doing goodness-knows-what in Dean's room," Sam gestured to the two of you, and you blushed. "I've been finding out all I can about Elementals and how to save (y/bfn)."

You and Dean exchanged looks. This new, fixated Sam was slightly scary. But it was true- you hadn't done anything to help your best friend, and you wanted to change that.

"So... What did you find out, Sammy?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, what he said." You piped up. "I wanna help. She's my friend too, I've known her for years."

You could have sworn that he almost smiled.

He sat down on a swivel chair, and took a deep breath. "According to mysticism and mythology, Elementals are creatures- usually a spirit- composed of or attuned to air, earth, fire and water. The Elementals balance each other out through opposites: water quenches fire, fire boils water, earth contains air, air erodes earth. Water spirits are called undines, earth spirits gnomes, air spirits sylphs, and fire spirits salamanders."

You and Dean nodded slowly. "Uh, did you memorize that?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sam scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah. Now shut up, there's more."

"Okay, ma'am." You joked, but nobody laughed. Not even yourself.

"Guess who created the Elementals?" Sam asked you both.

You blinked. "No idea."


The older man shrugged. "Same here."

Sam rolled his eyes. "The Great Mother. Or the Magna Mater to them." He said, sounding tired.

This took a while to add up in your mind. "So... The Great Mother is quite literally their mummy?"

Sam nodded. "Bingo. Well, just the four eldest Elementals, and they just kept respawning. But how would you feel if you were separated from your mom for a couple of millennia?"

You thought about your own mother, and the twanging pain of homesickness returned to you. You shrugged.

Dean gave Sam a Dude! look, and Sam bit his lip, clearly regretting the question. "Sorry." He said.

"S'alright." You replied, forcing a smile. "And I'd feel pretty damn horrible."

Sam nodded. "And you'd want to get her back at all costs, right?"

"Right." You agreed

"So, if their mother was in a locked room, what would you want?" Sam quizzed you.

You knew the answer. Of course you knew. But, you left it for Dean to say out loud.

"A key." He said. You felt the whole room run cold as Sam nodded in confirmation. Dean reached out for your hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

"But, I thought that Eve created every supernatural being ever?" Dean frowned at his brother.

"Not every being," Sam corrected him. "There was a time before Eve, you know. And Eve didn't come from nowhere."

Dean seemed seriously disturbed. "So this Great Mother gal is Eve's mom?"

"Well done, genius." Sam said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "And the Elementals'."

"I figured." Dean snapped.

"So... They want me." You interrupted, feeling like you had so many questions that you wanted to explode. "But why couldn't they see me, Sam?" You gazed at him imploringly, desperate for an answer.

Sam moistened his lips. "I'm not too sure." He said softly. "But I'm guessing it's some sort of protection for you. I don't know who set it, though."

"Then..." You frowned. "How did they know where I was?"

Sam blinked. "I don't know."

There was a heavy silence for a couple of moments.

"Oh, God." Dean said, breaking the ice.

"What?" You were now quite confused.

"We need to get out of here. Now." Sam commanded, standing up and heading towards the door. Dean got up too, and started to pack his stuff.

"Wait, why?" You called after Sam.

"We're not safe here." He replied, before walking out towards his own room.

You stood there dumbly for a couple of seconds, unsure what to do, before Dean noticed.

"Grab anything you need and meet me by the gate." He told you, looking you in the eye.

You opened your mouth to ask him why, but shut it again, knowing you wouldn't get a straight answer. You sighed and ran to your own room, grabbing your bag, some clothes, your phone and it's charger, and the gun you took from Dean's room- as well as extra bullets.

You were ready. For whatever reason you had to leave, you were ready.

Just a student (Dean x reader) supernatural Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang