Taken by two men

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A/n this is a new story based on supernatural and its based on Dean and you lovely reader. I hope you enjoy this!

“(y/n) , your cows are ashamed of you. Now give me back my cake!” tutted (y/bfn), trying- and failing- to hide a grin. She made a grab for her food that you stole, but you pulled it out of her reach.

You laughed along with the rest of your squad, as you took a large bite out of the cake that had once been (y/bfn) “What can I say? I’ve always been a rebel.”

(Y/bfn) and (y/f) simultaneously groaned.

“Don’t say that word!” (y/f) whined.

You smirked; you knew how much annoyance that word caused them. Some of the more annoying members of their class always seemed to yell it into their faces, which caused them to hate the word with a burning passion. And they didn’t even know why they kept saying it.

These two were your best friends- you’d known them since high school and had luckily ended up in university together!

“You love me.” You defended yourself, stifling a giggle as they rolled their eyes.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted one of the university staff, Ms White, walk over to your table. The rest of your friends seemed to have seen her too, because they all immediately shut up. (Y/bfn) took the opportunity to snatch her cake back.

You smiled at Ms White as she leaned over to talk to you, a curious look in her eyes even though she usually kept a poker face.

“Hi, Miss.” You said politely.

She smiled in return. “ (y/n), you have two men here to visit you. They say it’s extremely important. Do you have any idea what’s going on?”

You shook your head. “I’m just as clueless as you are.”

Ms White nodded, slightly disappointed. “Anyway, grab your bag and come with me.”

“Right.” You stuffed the last of your pasta into your mouth and swung your bag over your shoulder. You waved at your friends, who blinked at you, baffled.

“Uh, bye guys.” You said.

“Bye.” They all chorused.

“Right, come with me, (y/n) ” Ms White said, walking towards the school office. You tagged behind her, not before catching Heenal mouth to you- WhatsApp me later!

When you reached the office, two men, presumably the ones that had wanted to see you, stood up immediately, smiling at you. They were both quite tall and young-looking- one had hair that just brushed over his eyes and a sort of schoolboy charm that helped him rock the formal suit he was wearing. The other looked slightly older. He had green eyes and was fidgeting around in his own suit, clearly not used to wearing it.

“(y/n) ” Asked the taller man with the dimples. He had a soft voice with an American accent.

“Uh, yeah, hi.” You gave them a small wave.

“I’m Dean Winchester and this is my brother Sam. FBI.” Declared the older looking guy. Both him and Sam showed off their badges.

You quirked an eyebrow. “FBI? This is the UK.”

“Uh, yeah, international business.” Sam answered.

“Yeah. And we need you to come with us.” Dean commanded.

You were taken aback. “Why the heck do you need me?”

The brothers exchanged glances.

“We’ll explain everything later. We’ve already called your mom and dad and told them, so you don’t have to be worried.” Sam informed you.

You nodded. “Right.”

Dean smiled. “In that case, let’s go.”

Just a student (Dean x reader) supernatural Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя