chapter 43 : The End

Start from the beginning

Andrea: nervous for the plan?

Riker: what plan?

Andrea and Ross: nothing!

*Ross nods yes to Andrea*

[When the music plays Ellington walks to the altar, then his parents, then Stormie and Rocky, then Riker and Vanni walk out hand in hand to the altar, then Andrea and Ross walk out hand in hand to the altar, then Miranda does her job as the flower girl, everyone stands and Rydel walks in arm linked to Mark's]

Priest: friends, family. We are gathered here today to celebrate Rydel Mary Lynch and Ellington Lee Vicente in marriage. If anyone objects please do now or forever hold your peace

[Nobody says anything]

Priest: ok before the ring ceremony, let's hear the bride and groom's vows, Rydel you go first

Rydel: Ellington Lee Vicente, we met at the Rage, I always thought you were cute but never did I know that I would end up here, marrying you after all this time. When we started dating September 2nd 2013, my whole perspective of love changed. I thought it was just a strong way to say I like you

[Everyone laughs]

Rydel: but you taught me that it was way more than that. That it was about always smiling and laughing with that one person. When you found out you had sister Andrea *smiles and holds Andrea's hand since she's next to her*

Andrea:*smiles and holds her hand too*

Rydel: and Miranda *smiles at Miranda* I saw how much you love them and cared for them as if they were your daughters instead of sisters. That somehow made me love you more and made me think of our future. Marrying each other, having kids, becoming grandparents, growing old together but most of all remaining best friends for the rest of our lives, so here's to our future. *smiles*

Priest: ok, Ellington your vows

Ellington: Rydel Mary Lynch, since the moment I saw you I knew you were important to me, obviously not as a girlfriend or a wife but I knew we would be in each other's lives for a while. Later on, I fell in love and knew there isn't anyone better for me than Rydel Lynch. Your my sister's friend, best friends' sister but most of all the love of my life and in a few you will be my wife. I can't wait to see how we live the rest of lives together, here's to our future.

Priest: May we have the rings please

[Andrea give Rydel the ring and Ross give Ellington the ring]

Priest: Ellington repeat after me... I Ellington, promise to love and support  you Rydel and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed.

Ellington: I Ellington, promise to love and support  you Rydel and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed. *puts ring on her finger*

Priest: Rydel, repeat after me... I Rydel, promise to love and support  you Ellington and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed.

Rydel: I Rydel, promise to love and support  you Ellington and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed. *place ring on his finger*

Priest: Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have - the gift of your lives united. And may your days be long in this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ellington Vicente, Ellington you may now kiss your bride

*Ellington and Rydel kiss and everyone cheers*

[Later on in the reception]

Ryland: May the bride and groom and maid of honor and best man please join us in the dance floor *plays the song on the media*

[Ellington and Rydel dance together and Andrea and Ross dance together]

Ross: I hope this works out

Andrea: *smiles* I know it will, I'm so happy!

Ross: me too *smiles*

[When the song ends they dance, eat, go to the photo booth]

Andrea: you okay Court?

Olivia: yea you seem kinda down

Courtney: I'm fine, I just haven't gotten a chance to talk to Ross

Andrea: you will trust me *smiles*

Ross: Andrea! Come on! *drags her up stage* um excuse me, hi, I'm Ross Lynch the little brother of the bride

Andrea: and I'm Andrea the little sister of the groom

Ross: we are so happy for you guys! We wrote a song dedicated to you guys but also to my lovely girlfriend Courtney Eaton

Everyone: aww

Andrea:*smiles* hit it Ross!

[Ross sits at the piano and Andrea grabs a mic]

[Everyone claps once they're done and Andrea grabs Courtney and takes her up on stage]

Courtney: what's going on?

Ross: Courtney Jane Eaton, we've been together for 5 years now. *pulls out a ring and goes on one knee* will you do me the honor of becoming a Lynch?

Courtney:*smiles big* yes!

[They kiss and everyone cheers for them and the party continues]

Cole: *goes up to Andrea, Ross and Courtney* hey! Congrats guys!

Rourtney: thanks *smiles*

Andrea:*smiles and hugs Cole* What are you doing here? I thought you were in Australia for a week

Cole: please and miss on going to a wedding with my wife *puts an arm around her* I'm the best man right?

Ross: I mean I guess but only because Andrea's the maid of honor

Cole: oh hurtful

[Everyone laughs and Rourtney goes outside]

Courtney: I can't believe we've been together for 5 years and we're engaged now

Ross: yea *chuckles* time goes by so fast and to think we started as a forbidden love

Courtney: but not anymore

Ross: nope not anymore

[They kiss]

The End!

Hope you guys enjoyed my story! Love you guys all so much! Comment and vote! Check out my other stories!


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