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" Goddammit! How many times have I told your ass to stay the fuck out of my area. You can't deal your shit here asshole. "

Slamming the young gang leader against the cold brick, narrowed hues board daggers as Hoseok arched his back In pain, the Raven gripped at the blonde males hands which had a rough hold on him, Hoseoks frame struggled against Yoongi but only to be slammed Into the wall again though much harder this time, the painful action knocking the wind out of the younger male as he hunch over slightly and panted, trying to catch his breath.

" F-Fuck you. "

Grinning, hoseok choked out the curse, cockiness lacing his tone while as he spit In Yoongis face before bursting out Into a small laugh at the killing Intent seen behind the older males eyes.

" You little shit, shut your mouth. "

Pain was all Hoseok felt In that split second as yoongi decked him across the face, the younger males head snapping to the side Violently before Inhaling sharply, the groan that left him echoing against his ringing ears and he spat out the blood that built up within his mouth though most of it ran Down the side of his chin. Using a hand to wipe it, the raven would caress Yoongis cheek, making sure to get his blood on the blondes pale skin.

" Why don't you give me something to occupy my mouth with then? "

Gripping roughly, Yoongi couldn't help but jump slightly when Hoseok started rubbing him through his jeans, the feeling Itself made Yoongi hold back a deep groan as he harshly kicked Hoseok In the shin, making the younger male fumble onto his knees within the wet pavement of the alley. Hoseok hissed In pain, glaring up Yoongi who only grasped his chin roughly.

" What are you waiting for? You wanted this no? so get to it before I put a bullet In your kneecap Instead. "

" Don't Threaten me with a good time ~ though I'd watch what you say Min Yoongi. "

Unzipping the blondes pants, Hoseok freed the older males erection from their jeans, his tongue running a slow line up the base before swirling around the head, his eyes gazing up at Yoongi while giving a small nip to the older males length, making the blonde curse loudly.

" Because I might Bite ~ "


Waking to the sound of hushed whispers, a small groan that emitted from the raven would make the room fall silent, hoseok would reach his hand out, feeling around to find and pull his pillow over his head to shield his tired eyes from the dim lighting but upon realizing there wasn't one, hoseok Instantly opened his groggy eyes only to find out that he was stationed out on the living Room sofa rather then In his comfy bed. ' That explain the back pain ' He thought to himself with a small sigh but that didn't explain the pain in his throat although he quickly remembered why he had that.

" Boss? Are you awake now? Because we need to talk to you, this was left outside our door. "

Lifting his head, the curious sound of Jimins voice would echo against his ears and had Hoseok sitting up after the older male knelt by the sofa, Jimins hand holding up a card to him.

" What the hell Is that. "

" Blood Lust, It's that blonde fuckers Club card. "

Turning the card around within his fingers so Hoseok could fully look at it, Jimin would jump lightly as his boss suddenly snatched the card from him. Hoseok remembered, only a little bit of yesterday as his hand gripped his head and he clenched the card within his grasp, Yoongi must of brought him back last night. ' that fucking Idiot. '

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