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 I cleared my voice before I started speaking. I don't want her to be grossed out by the sound of my phlegm.

"Hi Ellie. Uhm, how are you? Sorry i don't know how to begin this message well. But atleast i tried right? Anyway, i visited you last saturday but the landlord said you already moved out. I asked her where, but she told me you did'nt want to see me again. I guess you told her that I'm a murderer because she almost killed me when I told her my name!"

i paused, i am already running out of words and i still did'nt said what i have to say.

"Ellie, i don't know what i did but whatever it is, i am truly sorry. Believe me, i've been bawling my eyes out for days and i'm having a hard time falling asleep. And I'm not saying this because i want your pity, but because i still love you El."

I sighed. It took a minute before i decided to press send.

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