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All of us were seated in the living room in silence looking at each other trying to decide who would talk first. But Subaru was the one who spoke.

"If we're just gonna keep staring at each other then I'm just gonna go back to bed."

Reji's eyes glow red as he says "Sit!!"

"Tch..." Subaru says as he calmly sits down.

"We are all here to talk about the fact that Ms. Komori has seen.. her.." Reno says. The atmosphere starts to darken.

"Which her? The one I fucked or...." Laito said with a mischievous smile.

Ayato rolled his eyes.

"Yui.. when did you start to see.. that bitch.." he said.

Kanato scolded at him but quickly covered it by holding his teddy bear close to him.

"I guess ever since I lived in this mansion.... I saw her at my window yesterday outside the garden.. but when I was gonna show Kanato and Laito... she was gone.." I said I didn't want to mention the dream I had in class because I knew they would start questioning me.

"Whatever that women wants.. I'm gonna crush her and make sure she never comes back ever again!!" He says pounding his fist into the table.

"Great.. not only do we need a new door.. we need a new table..." Reji rubs his temples then says "go back to whatever you're doing.. you're presence sickens me..."

"We're sorry we exist?" Shu says as Reji scolds at him.

I looked at Reji as he disappears into his lab.


Only to find out they disappeared as well.

"FINE!! BE LIKE DAT!!" As I stomped to the kitchen.

"Subaru... can you make that lemon and vanilla cake that I like..." Kanato says. Subaru nods and opens the cabin for some ingredients.

"OOO!! ME TOO!!" I shouted.

"So loud...." Kanato says as he sits down.

I walked to Subaru "You can cook?" I say.

"Yah... my mom taught me.." Subaru said putting the cake in the oven . I remembered in my dream of Subaru's mom being stuck in the tower.

Poor guy...

"Hey Subaru.."
"You know if you're a chef you have to wear this right~" I say showing him a pink flurry apron with hearts and the words that say "nya~ nya~"

Me and Kanato look at the apron then at Subaru our eyes shining evilness!!

Subaru stares at it
"yui no.."

5 minutes later....
"What is going on!!" Reji says.

He stops abruptly seeing me with a spoon sitting on top of Subaru who was wearing the apron and Kanato who was holding the cake.

"Heyyyyyy Reji...." Subaru said
"Wazzup?" I said.
"Cake?" Kanato holding the cake up to Reji. 

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now