shitty squip bois

322 9 15

This is for my good friend multifandom_trash8. Fick you, b


Third person

Rich has a choking kink. There's no easier way to put it.  Since he got into his fight he knew that his dick would say "yo that ain't too bad" and


He got a boner.

He was hanging with Jeremy cause Jeremy asked him to. They were playing video games. Rich was winning. "Dude, you suck at Mario Kart™. How the hell are you beating me all of a sudden? You cheating?" Jeremy asked.

Rich gasped dramatically cause he's a cunt "I would never" Jeremy just kinda did the mmhmmm thing, you know all sassy like cause I wanna have him as far from cannon as possible.

After like 3 other games they got bored and just kinda did nothing. Rich started to poke Jeremy on his sides cause he's ticklish.

Jeremy yelled "N O"  cause no one likes being tickled.  He put Rich in a head lock and the small one had his airways blocked. 

Rich made some weird ass choking noises and Jeremy let go. "Damn it I was just boutta nut" Rich said sadly.

Jeremy was confused "Wait what" "bih I hate breathing, without air I would constantly nut and mmm damn. "

Instead of almost killing Richard, Jeremy just succed untill the other nutted


Your welcome

I'm sorry.

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