An Old Friend and New Missions

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~Yula POV~
        I was very busy having a snack and ignoring the comm-texts from Jek when I heard the door creak open. Though, to my surprise, I heard more than one person enter.

"Yula, there's someone I'd like you to meet," Cira said as she gestured to the short, human woman with graying blonde hair at her side. It was tucked into a loose bun on top of her head.

At first my mind immediately jumped to the worst conclusion I could come up with right now; someone the Council sent to "fix me."

Luckily I quickly figured I was wrong when she kindly extended a hand and introduced herself,"I'm Kya Valor, Cira's old Master."

I smiled and a wave of relief washed over me. Thank Force! I smiled and shook her hand after walking over,"I'm Yula."

"I have a story to tell you, care for a walk?" She asked rather mysteriously.

I raised an eye brow and looked to Cira, not hiding my weirdly construed face of confusion. Cira stifled a chuckle and nodded to me, so I followed Kya,"Uh, sure..."

When we left the quarters Cira stayed behind. This just gets weirder and weirder...

"I just wanted to tell you a story about Cira that you can relate to," she said as we walked.

I just nodded and looked to her intently.

"You see, Cira was never extraordinary. She wouldn't have even been admitted to the order today. Every single Jedi has something they need to overcome in their training. Something that they truly believe will either end them, destroy the reputation they've tried to hard to build up, maybe even get themselves expelled," Kya started to smile as she was speaking, now almost as if she was talking to herself,"Cira had to work very hard to find the Force inside her. To awaken it and harness what little sensitivity she had to it," now she was practically beaming with pride,"But like all Jedi here today, she did overcome it. You'd never guess she had troubles when she was your age."

I smiled a bit and chuckled slightly to myself,"That really is a nice story, and something I didn't know about her, but if she sent you here to say something, you can just say it." I tried not to be snarky and rude, but I was in a pretty weird place right now and didn't really care too much.

She laughed in response, which truthfully surprised me,"Just don't worry. This anger within you, resides in everyone. It just chooses to be louder in you, and you'll get through it. Just don't push people away when they try to help. It will never make the situation better.

I kept my mouth shut and resisted the urge to say something like "I don't need help" and just nodded with a slight smile. After all, she meant well.

        "I thought we agreed no Force pushing, cheater!" I jokingly scolded to Jek as we began packing up from Light saber practice.

"It was more of a nudge," he replied with a smirk as he clipped his lightsaber to the belt underneath his dark brown cloak.

I did the same with my own saber and sat down on the bench to take a sip of water,"Did they ever tell you and Master Ell if you're leading the next Stealth Squad?"

His eyes lit up,"I didn't tell you?!"

I shook my head and laughed.

"Okay, well we got the position! On you and Cira's next mission we are going to come observe and help out, then get thrown into the deep end ourselves."

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