t w e n t y - s i x

Start from the beginning

"I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS TO ME! YOU CAN'T STOP ME FROM RUNNING." Sighing, Tristan gestures to James and I'm thrown over the shoulder of the tall, incredibly muscular hunk.

"Hi James." I giggle. "You have a great ass." I compliment him as my head is almost squished in it, not that I'm complaining.

I gasp. "What a great day to be alive! Wait no, I must escape I must hide from the mean lady."

"I think we broke her." I hear Connor whisper to Jackie.

"I don't want to be stabbed with a high heel," I screech. "Help me! Someone, I'm being kidnaped help me."

No one comes to my aid, probably thinking I'm crazy but I'm just trying to stay alive. Survival is all that matters at the moment.

Suddenly I'm out down and I fall uncomfortably in a chair. I look up at the almost full room I'm in and my gaze instantly focuses on the open.

"She's gonna run." Tristan shouts.

Brad and Connor run to the door to block my only way out as I fight against James. I reluctantly relax before standing up quietly. I see an open window and calmly walk over before hoisting myself up and jumping out. Yep. I jumped out a window. Bet they didn't see that coming.

I land uncomfortably on the grass below the windows and, after dusting myself off, begin to run across the field.

"I'm free." I scream.

Suddenly, a hand is on my shoulder and I'm spun around. Lips connect with mine and I'm frozen still, causing my lip attacker to trip over and fall on top of me.

Looking into his chocolate eyes I grin stupidly. "Hi."

"Hey." He says with a low voice.

Brad gets off me and I almost pout, before he helps me up. "Are you ok? You did just jump out a window."

"You did too," I point out. "But yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for acting crazy I just, I don't want to end up in hospital with a hole in my leg from a fricken high heel."

"I understand it's fine. But Abigail did go to some sort of boarding school or somewhere where they teach good behaviour."

"What did they teach her? To stab someone with an eyebrow pencil instead of a heel?" Brad laughs with me and I can't stop myself from throwing my arms around him. His arms return the gesture and I smile, his cologne filling my senses.

"Come one, lets go to class." I reluctantly comply and we walk back to the classroom we were in before I ran.

Jackie and the boys are standing at the back laughing as we walk in. A few students sitting down give us confused and weird looks and others just roll their eyes.

"You good now?" Jackie asks and I nod.

"Just letting off some steam." I laugh.

"Everyone, in their seats." The teacher comes in and Connor and Tristan wave goodbye, making their way to their class.

"Alright today we are..." I tune out as my thoughts wander back to Abigail Rose, the girl who could destroy me mentally and physically if she wanted to.

Class finishes and I run to the cafeteria where Jackie greets me. "You look happier."

"I had a great idea, I'll go to a gym!" I grin.

Theres a moment of silence before she bursts out laughing. "You? Exercise? Never gonna happen. Nice joke."

"It's genius. If I train ad maybe do some boxing classes, when she finally pounces I can defend myself."

"Dude, just get James to stand in front of you. Problem solved." She says in a 'duh' tone.

"Huh, that's actually a good idea." I think for a second before shaking my head. "No, I have to learn how to fend for myself."

"I think you can look after yourself just fine. Just 2 weeks ago you punched a guy square in the nose for degrading a girl that walked past." Jackie rolls her eyes.

"Oh yeah...that was fun." I giggle as I reminisce. "But still, I'm doing it."

"Fine, whatever. Have fun."

"And you're doing it with me." I announce happily.

"Bitch say what?" She splutters.

"Yep, we start on Wednesday." I smile before skipping off to buy some food, proud of myself. This will be good, and it's about time I get into shape.

I'm sorry! I finally updated after what felt like forever. I have been really sick for the past like 3 weeks and I've just bee resting and stuff and trying to catch up on school work I missed.
But omg! I saw the vamps and new hope club last night! I finally got to see them live and it was amazing, I was pretty close to the stage so I could see them really well and omfg they're so fucking hot! They're like hot angels! And omg sweaty brad gives me life.
My sisters went with me and they now love nhc so I'm proud, it was my good deed for the day, subjecting them to amazing people and amazing music.


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